ok Base Bullet damage vs same level formula seems to be (For PC)
14.48 * 1.13 ^ LvL for NVHM and TVHM with an extra * 1.1 in UVHM
1.1 *14.48 * 1.13 ^ 55 = 13227.435 // 13227.5 my data point (rounded)
1.1 *14.48 * 1.13 ^ 56 = 14947.001 // 14946.998 my data point
1.1 *14.48 * 1.13 ^ 57 = 16890.11185 // 16890.10742 my data point
blstats solved this (and a LOT of other things ) first
The damage number should be read on a Axton with only 1 skill point set into his action skill vs health of an enemy of equal level to the Axton you’re doing the test with:
Here’s some of mine:
UVHM: 55 vs 55 13227.5
UVHM: 56 vs 56 14946.99805 ( = lvl 55 UVHM * 1.13)
UVHM: 57 vs 57 16890.10742 ( = lvl 56 UVHM * 1.13)
Of particular interest are:
the lvl 30 damage vs lvl 30 enemy health on NVHM and TVHM and
the lvl 50 damage vs lvl 50 enemy health on TVHM and UVHM and
(I know the turret gets a damage boost from TVHM to UVHM, I would like to know how much)
lvl 5 damage vs lvl 5 enemy on NVHM
lvl 6 damage vs lvl 6 enemy on NVHM // I might end up creating a new char and doing these 2 myself …
The purpose of those is of course the formula for his base damage per bullet and per rocket depending on his level and difficulty.
Sort of like for most vault hunters base melee damage = 20 * LvL ^ 1.13
(no need for all the decimals, just read and report the damage pop-up for 1 turret ‘bullet’)