Normal Swing = (Base + Roid *1.4 ) * (1 + sum additive)
Spin = (Base + Roid * 1.4 ) * (1 + sum additive) * 0.62 // 0.62 ??!
his base melee damage vs equal level enemy is
36 * 1.13 ^ LvL
36 * 1.13 ^ 61 = 62242.575282 // 62242.55434 my data point
36 * 1.13 ^ 63 = 79477.5443776 // 79477.52344 my data point
Splash = (Base + Roid * 1.4 ) * Mul // The multiplier when roid is active is BROKEN , I’ve seen *10 see post and *11 here ; * 30 o_O ?!!? WTF . Without roid is *2 which is still STRONG with elemental matching.
Deathrap has hidden 40% bonus to roid damage. The roid damage applies (tested so far) to his melee swing, spin attack and to his splash damage (ridiculously high multipliers to investigate )
( Upshot robot, made of sterner stuff, strength of 5 gorillas are additive for Deathtrap)
‘Make it sparkle’ adds 200% splash damage (OR 1000% , 1100% or 3000% …sometimes when roid is active … investigating) [to the base melee damage + Roid * 1.4 WITHOUT additive melee bonuses, of the appropriate element. This splash benefits from element matching and rolls to trigger DOT of ??? value. The chance to apply DOT/Slag vs same level enemy is :
SLAG (30% vsHealth, 30% vsArmor, 30% vsShield)
Fire (30% vsHealth, 15% vsArmor, 15% vsShield)
Electric (15% vsHealth, 15% vsArmor, 75% vsShield)
Corrosive (15% vsHealth, 30% vsArmor, 15% vsShield)
example damage of splash damage
Fire splash vs slagged health (Base + Roid * 1.4) * 2 * 1.75 * 3 = 10.5 * (Base + Roid * 1.4) !!
Slag splash vs slagged health (Base + Roid * 1.4) * 2 * 1 * 1.5 = 3 * ( Base + Roid * 1.4)
‘Robot Rampage’ (adds a different melee spin attack that also does non-elemental damage ) damage per hit is (Base + Roid * 1.4 ) * (1 + sum additive) * 0.62 // 0.62 ?? . BUT TRIGGERS THE SPLASH from ‘make it sparkle’ on each hit. ( see above 10.5 * Base fire vs slagged flesh, 10.5 * base corrosive vs slagged armor)
EXAMPLE/TEST of lvl 61 Deathtrap 1 swing vs lvl 61 slagged flesh (no melee additive bonus in this test and no ROID)
has fire splash
62242.55729 is his base melee damage at lvl 61 (almost double compared to non-krieg vault hunters 20 * 1.13 ^ 61 = 34579.20849 )
62242.55729 * 1 * 3 = 186727.67187 // non elemental melee swing vs slagged health
62242.55729 * 2 * 1.75 * 3 = 653546.85 // fire splash vs slagged health on level
this also applied fire DOT ( 4944.375 , 5073.75, 4963.938 … ) These DOT ticks also benefited from element matching and Fire vs Slagged … ( much smaller values vs non-slagged shield for example)
# Melee Damage Done By Deathtrap; Player's Melee Additive(sum) Damage Multiplier = 0.00000;
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 186727.67188
218 3489006.750 Max 2666537.750 Cur 2853265.500 Prev 186727.750 Damage 438A5A18 baseaddress Barf Skag vsHealthOrArmor
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 373455.34375
16 3489006.750 Max 2012990.875 Cur 2666537.750 Prev 653546.875 Damage 438A5A18 baseaddress Barf Skag vsHealthOrArmor
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 = 0.3000
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 2825.36646
94 1019933.375 Max 1014989.000 Cur 1019933.375 Prev 4944.375 Damage 438A4B18 baseaddress Adult Skag vsHealthOrArmor
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 2899.27661
344 1019933.375 Max 1014859.625 Cur 1019933.375 Prev 5073.750 Damage 438A4B18 baseaddress Adult Skag vsHealthOrArmor
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 2836.54199
312 1019933.375 Max 1014969.438 Cur 1019933.375 Prev 4963.938 Damage 438A4B18 baseaddress Adult Skag vsHealthOrArmor