Deathtrap Melee Damage Formula (WIP) - hidden ROID buff AND INSANE SPLASH DAMAGE .. when ROID is active

Normal Swing = (Base + Roid *1.4 ) * (1 + sum additive)
Spin = (Base + Roid * 1.4 ) * (1 + sum additive) * 0.62 // 0.62 ??!

his base melee damage vs equal level enemy is
36 * 1.13 ^ LvL

36 * 1.13 ^ 61 = 62242.575282 // 62242.55434 my data point
36 * 1.13 ^ 63 = 79477.5443776 // 79477.52344 my data point

Splash = (Base + Roid * 1.4 ) * Mul // The multiplier when roid is active is BROKEN , I’ve seen *10 see post and *11 here ; * 30 o_O ?!!? WTF . Without roid is *2 which is still STRONG with elemental matching.

Deathrap has hidden 40% bonus to roid damage. The roid damage applies (tested so far) to his melee swing, spin attack and to his splash damage (ridiculously high multipliers to investigate )

( Upshot robot, made of sterner stuff, strength of 5 gorillas are additive for Deathtrap)

‘Make it sparkle’ adds 200% splash damage (OR 1000% , 1100% or 3000% …sometimes when roid is active … investigating) [to the base melee damage + Roid * 1.4 WITHOUT additive melee bonuses, of the appropriate element. This splash benefits from element matching and rolls to trigger DOT of ??? value. The chance to apply DOT/Slag vs same level enemy is :
SLAG (30% vsHealth, 30% vsArmor, 30% vsShield)
Fire (30% vsHealth, 15% vsArmor, 15% vsShield)
Electric (15% vsHealth, 15% vsArmor, 75% vsShield)
Corrosive (15% vsHealth, 30% vsArmor, 15% vsShield)

example damage of splash damage
Fire splash vs slagged health (Base + Roid * 1.4) * 2 * 1.75 * 3 = 10.5 * (Base + Roid * 1.4) !!
Slag splash vs slagged health (Base + Roid * 1.4) * 2 * 1 * 1.5 = 3 * ( Base + Roid * 1.4)

‘Robot Rampage’ (adds a different melee spin attack that also does non-elemental damage ) damage per hit is (Base + Roid * 1.4 ) * (1 + sum additive) * 0.62 // 0.62 ?? . BUT TRIGGERS THE SPLASH from ‘make it sparkle’ on each hit. ( see above 10.5 * Base fire vs slagged flesh, 10.5 * base corrosive vs slagged armor)

EXAMPLE/TEST of lvl 61 Deathtrap 1 swing vs lvl 61 slagged flesh (no melee additive bonus in this test and no ROID)
has fire splash

62242.55729 is his base melee damage at lvl 61 (almost double compared to non-krieg vault hunters 20 * 1.13 ^ 61 = 34579.20849 )

62242.55729 * 1 * 3 = 186727.67187 // non elemental melee swing vs slagged health
62242.55729 * 2 * 1.75 * 3 = 653546.85 // fire splash vs slagged health on level

this also applied fire DOT ( 4944.375 , 5073.75, 4963.938 … ) These DOT ticks also benefited from element matching and Fire vs Slagged … ( much smaller values vs non-slagged shield for example)

# Melee Damage Done By Deathtrap; Player's Melee Additive(sum) Damage Multiplier = 0.00000;  
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 186727.67188  
        218  3489006.750 Max   2666537.750 Cur  2853265.500 Prev   186727.750 Damage   438A5A18 baseaddress         Barf Skag vsHealthOrArmor 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 373455.34375  
         16  3489006.750 Max   2012990.875 Cur  2666537.750 Prev   653546.875 Damage   438A5A18 baseaddress         Barf Skag vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 = 0.3000  
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 2825.36646  
         94  1019933.375 Max   1014989.000 Cur  1019933.375 Prev     4944.375 Damage   438A4B18 baseaddress        Adult Skag vsHealthOrArmor 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 2899.27661  
        344  1019933.375 Max   1014859.625 Cur  1019933.375 Prev     5073.750 Damage   438A4B18 baseaddress        Adult Skag vsHealthOrArmor 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 2836.54199  
        312  1019933.375 Max   1014969.438 Cur  1019933.375 Prev     4963.938 Damage   438A4B18 baseaddress        Adult Skag vsHealthOrArmor 

Roid adds to robot rampage damage. Add in make it sparkle of the correct element and a bone. It can kill anything that can be phaselocked in one spin.

why would the Bone (relic) on the player apply to the robot ? Robot cannot wear relics .
I will buy a roid shield to test.
Edit : Yup roid seems to apply to his spin attack.

Spin + Roid test

# Melee Damage Done By Player; Player's Melee Additive(sum) Damage Multiplier = 0.00000;  
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 67737.75781  
          0   581501.125 Max     23706.656 Cur    91444.414 Prev    67737.758 Damage   4DA67818 baseaddress           Monglet vsHealthOrArmor 
# Melee Damage Done By Player; Player's Melee Additive(sum) Damage Multiplier = 0.00000;  
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 67737.75781  
        125  2326004.500 Max   1551720.375 Cur  1619458.125 Prev    67737.750 Damage   4DA63D58 baseaddress    Brat Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 

(62242.55859 (base) + 33580 (roid damage on card) ) * 0.7 = 67075.791

its the regular swing damage that is weird with roid


i have Without roid 38590.38672 spin 62242.55859 1 swing
with roid 67737.75781 spin 109254.45313 1 swing

38590.38672 / 62242.55859 = 67737.75781 / 109254.45313 = 0.62 which is NOT 0.7

*ok the numbers ‘work’ with 0.62 multiplier for spin attack and hidden 1.4 deathtrap roid bonus.
will look into it further.

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I guess the Bone situation would depend on whether or not they coded the make it sparkle splash damage as a function of DT or of Gaige.

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Afaik bone boost make it sparkle

nope . I did test electric splash with a elemental relic 18% extra lightning . splash was still * 2 .
But I will test again looking closer.

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Good to know. Thanks for testing.

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deathtrap seems to have 40% roid shield damage bonus.
Should punch with Gaige and confirm her punch gets ‘only’ the roid damage on card but deathtrap gets oncard * 1.4

Edit this is so frustrating . she also seems to be getting more roid damage but NOT 40%

20 * 1.13 ^ 61 * 1.12819 = 39011.9172 // ok
153792.359 / 2 = 76896.1795
76896.17969 - 39011.75 = 37884.42969 // roid on card 33580
(76896.17969 - 39011.75) / 33580 = 1.1281843 !?!?!?

Roid goes before additives for vault hunters ok .
Player’s Melee Additive(sum) Damage Multiplier = 0.12819;

Is it the same for Deathtrap ? (but there were no additives in play when I got the 40% roid bonus)

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holy crap !!! this is so crazy …
The splash when roid is active gets crazy multiplier … On top of the fact that + Roid * 1.4 applies to splash, I’ve seen *10 and * 11 multiplier… WTF deathrap

(62242.55434 + 33580 * 1.4) * (1.27) = 138753.284 // URA !!!
(62242.55434 + 33580 * 1.4) * 10 = 1092545.54 // * 10 !?!?!??!?!??!?!??! WTF !!!

1200745.75 / (62242.55434 + 33580 * 1.4)


// no roid
# Melee Damage Done By Player; Player's Melee Additive(sum) Damage Multiplier = 0.15000;  
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 138206.87500  
        250  6119600.000 Max   5489274.000 Cur  5627481.000 Prev   138207.000 Damage   3AFEEED8 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 1200745.75000  
         16  6119600.000 Max   3387969.000 Cur  5489274.000 Prev  2101305.000 Damage   3AFEEED8 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 = 0.3000  

1200745.75 / (62242.55434 + 33580 * 1.4) = 11

3274761 / (62242.55434 + 33580 * 1.4) = 29.97 // o_O

he beats the map without slag :slight_smile:

You unlock the biggest secret of deathtrap :wink::wink:.

Nobody believes it because of the misconception that Deathtrap is the worst action skill. :wink:

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well finger of death melee damage doesn’t help when he stays still shooting his puny eyebeam unless roid buffs that too (why would it ?! ). Unless you have the capacity to kill his flying targets quickly …he’ll often just keep shooting his impotent eyebeam …

Take him someplace where there are only melee rushing enemies and he MIGHT decide to use his melee attacks …

I will remove ‘strength of 5 gorillaz’ and check if his splash damage can still get crazy . (yup SO5G not related to the crazy splash damage numbers. Also missing 2 skill points for spin attack . Will see what happens when I get that too)

Everyone has weaknesses you just have to help DT kill things.

My favorite Gaige build is a Deathtrap build and he is awesome.

I mean who wouldn’t love this

That is with shield active what more if it isn’t.

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DT was always a killing machine. SiC + MiS was always a solid choice as you can still get some Anarchy on top of it.

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something feels wrong about your video :slight_smile:

No upshot robot charges - assuming robo COM … 60-70 % additive melee damage ? Most of Deathtrap’s damage isn’t coming from -non splash anyway (aldough you can get past 100% additive on him with COM and upshot charges ). And even the splash doesn’t truly get ridiculous without Roid active.

Unless that Weird super splash multiplier can happen without roid active (haven’t seen it in my tests yet) I don’t know where all that damage came from.

I don’t know who you’re fighting there but the cut-scene makes him look like a beefy guy .

Try your build leaving only 1 point in the sterner stuff and gorillas and it should work the same with +8 extra spare points. …(I’m torn :slight_smile: more testing needed … the additives do apply to the base + roid * 1.4 … And sometimes the splash is not matching the right element …)

No upshot since i just deploy him and make him sparkle before i hit the switch on the mini boss (cassius from the new dlc… sorry spoiler)

My build was inspired by this with a little changes based on my preference.

Maybe some info here can clarify some things.

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You had it linked in the video’s comments … It does seem that deathtrap gets a nova off when the dude is already down a lot of health. The nova does come a bit off after the shield depletion so the shield might’ve been off from near the beginning and that would explain (the crazy damage ) it for me …

I don’t know deathrap’s base melee damage at lvl 72 (or any level not 61 for that matter) . On 61 is almost double gaige’s and by that rule (but they might have different progression) at 72 he would have ~ 262k
The terra in the guide has ~700k *1.4 … a much higher number so … Maybe wait until I get a 72 gaige and measure myself …

Hahaha, it’s weird that that person has their Gaige in the same exact head/skin combo I’m using. But yeah, DT builds look wild. Unfortunately, I love Claws too much to get the sparkle on.

Working on my writeup for the Giggling Gaige Grenade :slight_smile:

# Melee Damage Done By Player; Player's Melee Additive(sum) Damage Multiplier = 0.67000;  
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 182454.93750  
        656  7956193.000 Max   7773738.000 Cur  7956193.000 Prev   182455.000 Damage   13866F58 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 1091587.00000  
         16  7956193.000 Max   5863461.000 Cur  7773738.000 Prev  1910277.000 Damage   13866F58 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.9000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 = 0.270

here’s an example with roboteer blue com 11/5 gorillaz 10/5 made of sterner stuff.
Fire splash vs un-slagged flesh. Green roid ON.
Notice non-elemental melee swing 182.455 k (here additives do ‘work’ ) and the fire splash 1.9 mil !!
Multiply both values by 3 vs slagged …

Those +additive Deathtrap damage skills don’t pull weight when the splash GOES AWOL

(62242.55434 + 33580 * 1.4) * 1.67 = 182455.105748 // ~182k
(62242.55434 + 33580 * 1.4) * 10 * 1.75 = 1911954.7 // yup 1.9 mil

and this is with a lvl 59 ■■■■■■ green bandit roid ‘waitte-ee’ shield

Just realized Roid damage MIGHT be bypassing the lvl difference multiplier. Amp damage too … Should probably look closer into that at some point …

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Extra tests with different roid shield done at lvl 63.

on level (63 vs 63) spin with fire splash vs health bullymong (ROID OFF) 

# Melee Damage Done By Player; Player's Melee Additive(sum) Damage Multiplier = 0.52000;  
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 74899.61719  
       5219   755897.438 Max    680997.813 Cur   755897.438 Prev    74899.625 Damage   50AEC098 baseaddress           Monglet vsHealthOrArmor 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 158955.04688  
         16   755897.438 Max    402826.469 Cur   680997.813 Prev   278171.344 Damage   50AEC098 baseaddress           Monglet vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 = 0.3000  
# Melee Damage Done By Player; Player's Melee Additive(sum) Damage Multiplier = 0.52000;  
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 74899.61719  
         62   755897.438 Max    329076.063 Cur   403975.688 Prev    74899.625 Damage   50AEC098 baseaddress           Monglet vsHealthOrArmor 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 158955.04688  
          0   755897.438 Max     50904.719 Cur   329076.063 Prev   278171.344 Damage   50AEC098 baseaddress           Monglet vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 = 0.3000  

158955.04688 / 2 = 79477.52344 // deathtrap's lvl 63 base damage
79477.52344 * (1.52) * 0.62 = 74899.618 // spin damage per hit

// swing with Roid on (54704 on card) target overkilled - can't tell if on level since no roll to apply elemental vs dead foes. Lets see what the damage numbers point to
# Melee Damage Done By Player; Player's Melee Additive(sum) Damage Multiplier = 0.64000;  
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 255944.20313  
       1484  3023589.750 Max   2767645.500 Cur  3023589.750 Prev   255944.250 Damage   50AEBB98 baseaddress    Brat Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 1734438.62500  
         16  3023589.750 Max         0.000 Cur  2767645.500 Prev  2767645.500 Damage   50AEBB98 baseaddress    Brat Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 

(79477,52344 + 54704 * 1,4) * (1,64) = 255943,5224 // MATCH target was lvl 63 
1734438,625 / (79477,52344 + 54704 * 1,4) = 11,113699 . This is not a nice natural number
1734438.625 * 1.75 = 3035267.5937 // 3 Million fire splash damage per swing ! vs target that had ~3 million max hitpoints. 

// spin attack + fire splash vs lvl 64 enemy ROID on , fire splash 

# Melee Damage Done By Player; Player's Melee Additive(sum) Damage Multiplier = 0.64000;  
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 158685.40625  
        187 10340677.000 Max   3622541.250 Cur  3781226.750 Prev   158685.500 Damage   50B81B98 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.75; Intermediary Damage Value 1734438.62500  
          0 10340677.000 Max    587273.750 Cur  3622541.250 Prev  3035267.500 Damage   50B81B98 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.9000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 = 0.2700  

(79477,52344 + 54704 * 1,4) * (1,64) * 0,62 = 158684,9839 // match ..
1734438,625 / (79477,52344 + 54704 * 1,4) = 11,113699 // same fire splash value as in the 1 swing attack. So the (same) crazy splash multiplier is applied (many times per second) by the spin attack. 
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