The current state of the Borderlands franchise and the Road to borderlands 3

So I just wanted to write this post to see what you guys think and to also discuss what to expect between now and the release of Borderlands 3. We barely know anything about the next borderlands game all we know is that it’s currently in development we don’t know for how long it has been in development but it’s probably fair to assume that it hasn’t been in development for a very long time which means we are gonna have to wait a while for it. In terms of the state of the franchise right now I would say it’s in a pretty good spot the Claptrap DLC is great the handsome collection just came out and tales from the borderlands is also very good. My question to you guys is what should we expect from this franchise BL3 is pretty far away so can we expect more DLC for the pre sequel hell well there be another borderlands game created by 2K Australia while Gearbox is working on Borderlands 3 I feel like 2K has to do something to keep people talking about this franchise for the next couple of years I feel like a borderlands 1 remake is pretty much happening at this point. I would be interested in seeing another 2K Australia Borderlands game because honestly considering the fact that Pre sequel was there first game I personally think they did a good job with it.

A BL1 remaster is all I really want at this point to hold me over until BL3.


[quote=“adabdoubrx, post:1, topic:267907”]all we know is that it’s currently in development[/quote]Is it?

[quote=“adabdoubrx, post:1, topic:267907”]what should we expect from this franchise[/quote]I wouldn’t expect a thing, but I’m hopeful for at least an event or two (these increased drop rate weekends, for example, are a good start; a full-blown loot hunt as was done for BL2 would be insaaaaane).

ok so maybe Borderlands 3 isn’t in development all we really know is that at Pax Randy said that they need help with development of the next borderlands game

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when you say remaster do you want a straight up port were it’s the exact same game but with just s higher framerate or do you want it to be completely redone personally I want it to be completely redone I would love to see a lot of the systems from Borderlands 2 in a Borderlands 1 Remaster little things like adding a mini map to BL1 would be huge

Honestly I’d be happy with just an HD port.

But I wouldn’t mind seeing some bug fixes, money/ammo auto pick up and fast travel stations added to the DLCs. Besides those, I want the game untouched.


If somehow, the Rakk Hive, Skagzilla, Mothrakk, and Widow Maker (or you pick an enemy) had raid versions, that would be awesome. I’d like pearls to drop from everywhere in the game.

Oh please god no, I’m not having a go at you guys but if you want raid bosses go and play the other games or wait until you reach Craw.
The daddy of raid bosses.

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Id want the game as is just for ps4

I really want them to move away from Raid bosses and back towards arena style multi enemy battles. By all means have some Raid guys but I felt in BL2 (particularly the DLC) it had too many.

I dont need a remastered version either, I just loaded up BL1 onto my XBOne and it looks great so don’t see the need really.

Where I see BL3 going is really embracing cross platform gaming, its easily one of the most well suited games to being cross platform so thats something I’d definately ike to see.

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i love the idea of a game where you can play across all the new installments, i know that graphics keep advancing but it would be great if you still move the same character between all the different parts of Borderlands.

It would be sweet to run Lilith through BL2 and TPS