The advantage with Hunter’s Grotto if I’m not mistaken, beside the easy “evolution reset”. Is that you get several badass to evolve. 6 or 8 I think. (3 at a time.) If you’re careful when OOO spawn you can create some distance and kill only him. So you don’t need to leave the area or quit the game every one or two kill. When I farmed mine I must had been there for 6 hours+ over two days.
I only saw 3 at grotto and I find grove around the same to reset. The setup time was much shorter, kill a few mobs which you end up doing anyway in grotto.
6 hours is a -lot- of time dancing around doing not much. Spamming Vora is less soul crushing.
Only 3 spawn at once but when you kill one, or OOO. Another replace it. So you keep a “full team of 3” to try to evolve even after you killed several OOO.
But yes. It’s a pain you know where. That’s why I didn’t do it in one sitting.
I’m not disagreeing with you at all; I’ve tried both and will do the furnace run if I feel like fighting my way around the loop (it’s a good way to build Anarchy stacks), but if I’m there just to farm for the afternoon I’ll head for the Grove instead, mostly to try to be more time-efficient.
Bottom line on it all IMO is that no matter how you try it, it’s an ugly farm.
It would be far simpler to code a flat buff to the spawn chance. Make it 5% - 7% chance. They made the varkids far more likely to evolve, but that because of the Norfleet. The Twister is much more functionally useful.
If gbox could arrange another hunt but with uniques, it would be another awesome sendoff. However, they probably are a bit busy.