So since I upgraded from 72 to 80, I need to refarm all my Legendary class mods. Many of them come from Tubbies and I kinda do not want to refarm them. Cause they’re rare and annoying.
Does Uranus drop the Tuby class mods?
The best tubby routes I use are the dust and arid Nexus Badlands
Both are quick, incorporate bosses, and the dust has a really good tubby chance whereas the Badlands has 3 easily reachable red chests + one more
Tubbies are your only source for these mods
I’m of the opinion that farming for OP10 legendary mods is a low priority, especially if you already have the old OP8 ones. Odds are the percent buffs are not even greater (or much greater). Same with relics – went farming for some at OP10 and not one beat the ones I’ve found earlier (some at levels lower than 70). So, low priority for now (got other things to find first!)
It’s true that the difference between level 80 and 90 isn’t that huge, but it’s certainly not negligible.
A perfect op10 bone should have a 2-3% damage increase against the old op8 ones, which is a huge amount of multiplicative elemental damage.
Same goes for cooldown/damage/etc on COMs, the difference is still worth considering
Thing is if you have perfect max-stats level 72 COM, a less-than-perfect level 80 will be inferior. So not sure I’d be investing a great deal of time with expectation I’d be getting an upgrade. Depends on what you’ve got to begin with I guess.
Also : round 1 of Creature Slaughter on repeat. Good spot.
Marcus’s Loot Train in the Christmas DLC was always good for Legendary Mods for me. No Tina Legendarys though.
I can confirm percentages can be a few higher: old op8 gunzerker capped at 51% as far as i farmed. i have a new op10 at 55% cooldown reduction. op8 54% just today.
bone of the ancients goes from 47% cooldown to 51% (wildlife exploitation farm is best)
nexus still seems the easiest tubby, but exploitation does seem to spawn them (save at annex, farm pimon/tumba area if they show, sometimes tubby there, farm pens some times tubby in first pen to the right, and the stalker area that connects to the pen (heading to blood wing area). i still have the quest open to farm midgets.
Found a good example of how lower level items can have better stats than higher ones. Just got the new badge today, but the 88 is worse than the 80!
…that…that is like…significantly worse. Like. That shouldn’t even be allowed
Yeah it’s hard to hard to upgrade from a perfect COM or relic.
I remember farming an op8 legendary cat mod to replace my op0 one and when I finally found it the damage was more than 20% less, just sold it for rocket ammo cash and kept looking for pearls
The difference between old OP8 and new OP10 relics and COMs is disappointingly slight. I keep getting COMs from Haderax that are worse than my current level 80 ones, and I’ve scoffed at BotA and elemental (explosive) relics with stats so low I wouldn’t have picked them up at OP8 a few months ago.
I guess it’s a good thing that you have two less slots to have to farm for at OP10, but I really did want a Binder COM with like 55% cooldown and Chaotic Evil COMs with something ridiculous like 50%/65% increases.
they will come but it’s no deluge.