Interspeed Outburst Chance to Slag Formula

interspeed outburst skill adds 0.07 per rank * # Stacks to the F4 multiplier in the Chance to apply elemental effect formula.

So at 1 stack : F4 = 0.35 * 1
at 5 stacks : F4 = 0.35 * 5 = 1.75

at 1 stack: 0.07 * 11 * 1 = 0.77
at 5 stacks: 0.07 * 11 * 5 = 3.85

F2 for the chance to slag vs any defense type is 30
F9 is usually 1.1 at 5/5 More prep (10% extra slag chance)

So vs enemy not immune/resistant to slag application , at level parity the chance to apply slag effect per bullet is :

30 * (0.07 * IOrank * #stacks) * (1 + 0.02 * MorePrepRank)
As always, beware level difference has a massive impact on the chance to apply elemental effects.

Best you can get without COM:
30 * (0.07 * 5 * 5) * (1 + 0.02 * 5) = 57.75 %

// at IO rank 9 (COM) and 5 stacks GUARANTEED to slag vs enemy of equal or lower level
30 * (0.07 * 9 * 5) * (1 + 0.02 * 5) = 103.95 %

And looking at the damage inflicted it seems the # of stacks of IO also affects the damage inflicted .

A slag weapon can slag and the IO’s slag damage can get the * 1.5 slag vs slagged multiplier on UVHM. (and at 5 charges and high rank 10+/5 IO this is one hit kill territory for trash mobs) (this is about fist shot with a slag weapon vs UN-slagged target on UVHM) see post

and test numbers from game

// 5/5 IO 1 stack ; 5/5 More prep ; 11.55 % (target was slagged before the shot )

# Normal Hit = 22427.16406; using           Diaub; Scaled Base Gun Damage (CARD) = 19767.56836 ; Sum of Additive Gun Damage Multiplier    0.13454 (beware AMP SHIELD)  
# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   1B5B8C18 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 67281.49219  
      87625  1435829.000 Max   1255497.000 Cur  1322778.500 Prev    67281.500 Damage   57A77458 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   1B5B8C18 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 0.50; Intermediary Damage Value 69233.03125  
         16  1435829.000 Max   1221054.500 Cur  1255671.000 Prev    34616.500 Damage   57A77458 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.3500 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.1155  

// 5/5 IO 5 stacks; 5/5 More prep ; 57.75 % (target was not slagged before the shot)

# Normal Hit = 22427.16406; using           Diaub; Scaled Base Gun Damage (CARD) = 19767.56836 ; Sum of Additive Gun Damage Multiplier    0.13454 (beware AMP SHIELD)  
# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   1B5B8C18 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 22427.16406  
  434496093  1435829.000 Max   1413401.875 Cur  1435829.000 Prev    22427.125 Damage   57A77458 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   1B5B8C18 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 115388.37500  
         16  1435829.000 Max   1298200.500 Cur  1413588.875 Prev   115388.375 Damage   57A77458 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.7500 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.5775  

// and the verification test 1/5 IO 5 stacks ; 5/5 more prep; f6 = 0.9 (lvl diff); 10.39%

# Normal Hit = 22427.16406; using           Diaub; Scaled Base Gun Damage (CARD) = 19767.56836 ; Sum of Additive Gun Damage Multiplier    0.13454 (beware AMP SHIELD)  
# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   1B5B0018 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 22427.16406  
    2463219  1870448.625 Max   1848021.500 Cur  1870448.625 Prev    22427.125 Damage   54E31CD8 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   1B5B0018 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 115388.37500  
         16  1870448.625 Max   1732854.875 Cur  1848243.250 Prev   115388.375 Damage   54E31CD8 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.3500 * 1.0000 * 0.9000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.1039  

You my man are our resident math guru.

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I may actually put more than a single point into it now- thanks! :+1:

cough Shrimpling's Interspersed Outburst Guide and Manic Technophile Builds cough


All the respect for the amount of work and dedication put into that thread (that I was aware of and did contribute/motivated me in part in my attempts to find out how it really works ) - they didn’t have a way to see/measure the actual Chance the dice was rolled against. Taking hundreds of shots and doing applied/did not applied math is not as precise and mindbogglingly time consuming. (as previously mentioned I did my fare share of …) . The % table presented in that thread is not correct even for same level target/shooter.

No mention there the default chance to slag vs shield/armor/health = 30% from any kind of source.

There is also no mention of level difference . just a +2 in favor of the target and that is *0.7 to the chance to apply the elemental effect. If you over-level the target the odds to apply elemental effect dramatically improve.

{ I’m sorry I don’t have OP level character to see how they handle that because, based on what I know so far of the chance to apply elemental effect (slag) formula - slagging a target +8 or +10 higher level should be near impossible (and that doesn’t seem to be the case in the OP+ videos I’ve watched) …}

As a guideline, explaining the viability of the skill it did a good job based on the data they had at the time. But this thread has NEW, accurate, information.

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Have you tested also the additional damage it do?

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No new information here compared to the thread VaultHunter101 linked. It depends on char lvl and # of stacks and not the rank.

I don’t have a non-tedious , non cheaty way of divining its damage progression/formula atm other leveling a char and measuring the damage this does for a few levels and then feeding that table to an app that will blurt a function that connects all those dots. Also I’m not certain how much good such a function would do without a similar function to explain weapon damage for typical weapons used by Gaige at different anarchy levels to compare it with … It should be clear the slag damage it adds is just ‘extra’ and the ‘main event’ is the potentially high chance to slag during fragmented combat .

I should do a shotgun test and see it first pellet rolls to trigger slag and the remaining …say 15 hit for x3 damage vs slagged target. Or … you’ll need to wait for the next trigger pull to give time for the slag effect to take effect …


Are we talking about character level or weapon level? I’ve been under the impression that weapon level doesn’t change slag chance so use level 30ish Magic Missiles for slag well into UVHM, and even the original OP levels. I’ve also carried a level 19 Slagga for a long while too, but if the gear’s level affects the chance I will adjust those habits accordingly.

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character level


Cool. Thank you for clarifying that for me. :pray:

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here’s a shotgun test - the SLAG damage and 1 Roll to slag happen AFTER all pellets hit so one cannot slag with 1 pellet and deal slag boosted damage with the other 20 … ( the roll to slag happens per pellet hit but F4 is zero for subsequent hits on the same target)

But the way it happens it might BE possible to SLAG MULTIPLE enemies with the same shotgun shot if multiple enemies are hit (close enough can help) . I don’t have enough points for close enough atm but will update once the test is made.

# Normal Hit = 7110.21924; using       Coach Gun; Scaled Base Gun Damage (CARD) = 6267.03125 ;  Sum of Additive Gun Damage Multiplier    0.13454 (beware AMP SHIELD)  x 13
# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC5418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 7110.21924  
      57985  1870448.625 Max   1863338.375 Cur  1870448.625 Prev     7110.250 Damage   4E9049D8 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC5418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 7110.21924  
         15  1870448.625 Max   1856228.125 Cur  1863338.375 Prev     7110.250 Damage   4E9049D8 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC5418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 7110.21924  
          0  1870448.625 Max   1849117.875 Cur  1856228.125 Prev     7110.250 Damage   4E9049D8 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC5418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 115388.37500  
         31  1870448.625 Max   1733951.250 Cur  1849339.625 Prev   115388.375 Damage   4E9049D8 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.4000 * 1.0000 * 0.9000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.4158  
# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC5418 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.9000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.0000  
# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC5418 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.9000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.0000  

So many numbers. What’s the conclusion so far?

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nope IO slag damage and chance to slag are applied only on the first projectile hit even for multi projectile weapons (ex shotgun) .

# Normal Hit = 11826.16016; using       Coach Gun; Scaled Base Gun Damage (CARD) = 6267.03125 ; Sum of Additive Gun Damage Multiplier    0.88704 (beware AMP SHIELD) 
# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC7018 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 11826.16016  
       1140  1638875.500 Max   1627049.375 Cur  1638875.500 Prev    11826.125 Damage   4AA15A18 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC7018 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 11826.16016  
         16  1092583.625 Max   1080757.500 Cur  1092583.625 Prev    11826.125 Damage   48421558 baseaddress   Bullymong Sling vsHealthOrArmor 
# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC7018 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 11826.16016  
         16  1638875.500 Max   1615223.250 Cur  1627049.375 Prev    11826.125 Damage   4AA15A18 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC7018 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 11826.16016  
         15  1638875.500 Max   1603397.125 Cur  1615223.250 Prev    11826.125 Damage   4AA15A18 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC7018 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 46155.35156  
         31  1638875.500 Max   1557438.000 Cur  1603593.375 Prev    46155.375 Damage   4AA15A18 baseaddress   Adult Bullymong vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.5600 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.1848  
# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC7018 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.0000  
# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC7018 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.0000  
# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   3CBC7018 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.0000  

no formula but at 10/5 in uvhm the damage seems A LOT. Will give you a lot of 1 shot kills if you open up with a hard hitting weapon to the crit spot. (low anarchy stacks) Something with low ROF ~ long reloads - jakobs shooty or elephan gun … Something with low clip so you can use cooking for trouble healing while waiting for IO charges. Fire weapon also works vs health, its DOTs will burn a slagged victim …

Might be good with Sniper Slag weapon so if the weapon slags , this (IO) might do *1.5. ( the slag splash of the maliwan sniper - I don’t think I’ve ever seen it do *1.5 … but I haven’t been looking for it either) . Should do some tests on this at some point …


Yeah i sometimes one shot enemies with a grog nozzle. That is why i ask for any computations. Thanks

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What’s the IO interaction with a slow hand like? I’m always too busy moving to check my work with it, lol.

To clarify, a Shock Slow Hand, single projectile. I have my reasons. Lol.

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I’ve never seen a ‘slow hand’ . Heh , I’ve only seen like 1 splatgun type weapon in my entire Borderlands ‘career’ thus far. My highest level chars are 65, 63, 53 …50 50 . I can read its description on the wiki, watch videos of it on youtube, but ultimately all I could do is speculate. But since you have the weapon , you could check since it will take a looong time before I’ll get my hands on one of those (if that ever happens).


Fair enough. I wreck stuff pretty well, I’m just not sure if IO is helping that, or just kinda there :joy:. It’s a big part of my build I’m writing about! (…the slow hand…and possibly the IO. I don’t wanna have any misinformation! So. Hopefully I come up with some news!)

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one thing I can tell after looking at the log output of the one splatgun I have. You’re not going to be able to make heads or tails of the splat-guns chance to apply effect since they have no direct weapon impact and are in fact, pure splash.

Because for most splashes (IO is an exception) the chance to apply effect varies from shot to shot after some rules I cannot make out thus far, one cannot calculate the (consistent/repeatable) chance to apply effect (in a given set of circumstances - vs a specific enemy of specific level) for it like it can for gun impacts .

// first shot
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 15.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.3538 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.9610 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.2147  

// second shot
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 15.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.3538 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.8994 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.2009  

(most)Splashes have variable F4 and F7 parameters in the chance to apply elemental effect. Ok F4 might be consistent (I just cannot calculate where its value comes from ) , just F7 varies.

Seems very likely F7 could be a function of distance between center of splash and target … Could be something else for the F7 variation.

And F4 might be a combination of F5 and F7 =1 on the gun so the chance to apply effect on the splash is <= than the chance to apply on the direct impact. Equal when the splash explosion center is right on target.

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Yup . A slag weapon can slag and the IO’s slag damage can get the * 1.5 slag vs slagged multiplier on UVHM. (and at 5 charges and high rank 10+/5 IO this is one hit kill territory for trash mobs) (this is about fist shot with a slag weapon vs UN-slagged target on UVHM)

slag plasma caster vs test dummy. ~28% chance to slag . (the splash of the plasma caster lands dead center on the dummy so the chance of the splash to slag is max = the chance of the gun’s impact) .

The IO damage which lands third - has *0.5 multiplier vs the target’s health since that’s how they do slag vs slagged bonus damage on UVHM (the damage is first multiplied by 3 vs slagged as for the other damage types but gets an * 0.5 at the end to get * 3 * 0.5 = * 1.5)

Still not sure if maliwan regular splash can get the *1.5 from the main impact, but that is way less relevant since this is <<<<< less damage than what 5 charges of 10/5 or 11/5 IO brings (1 hit kills territory)

# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   139E8C18 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 30899.20313  
      44469  7558974.500 Max   7528075.500 Cur  7558974.500 Prev    30899.000 Damage   55C07818 baseaddress            Psycho vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.6923 * 0.5000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.2792  
# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   139E8C18 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 17430.02539  
         15  7558974.500 Max   7510645.500 Cur  7528075.500 Prev    17430.000 Damage   55C07818 baseaddress            Psycho vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 0.8461 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.2792  
# Damage Type =          SLAG ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address =   139E8C18 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 0.50; Intermediary Damage Value 1915938.25000  
         16  7558974.500 Max   6553958.500 Cur  7511927.500 Prev   957969.000 Damage   55C07818 baseaddress            Psycho vsHealthOrArmor 
# Chance to trigger effect 1.0000 * 30.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.7500 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.0000 * 1.1000 * 1.0000 = 0.5775  

this 957969 damage value is 5 stacks of 5/5 IO on lvl 63 Gaige vs slagged target (target was slagged by the weapon or splash impact of the plasma caster)

also unrelated Plasma caster splash multiplier is 0.5 and gets grenade damage multiplier as well
30899.20313 * 0.5 * 1.12819 = 17430.08598