Mordecai in TPS?

I sm sure my memory is probably failing me, but do we see / hear from Mordy at all in TPS?

he makes one of the best expressions at the end. come on dude. did you start that new char yet? cuz if so you would have seen mordy recently, so i would be concerned if i were you… :grin:

Oh wow yeah hes totally thrre tekling Lil not to kill Athena…

But why nowhere else?

You KNOW he’s just chillin’ and drinkin’ rakkales with Brick and Tina…

he pops up once or twice, when he asks what lil thinks of jack and she comments on jack stealin moxxi. in nvhm it is athena talking to lilith, mordy,and brick…, you know, the grown ups. in tvhm its athena retelling the story to tina and brick…, the kids, who want athena to embelish the story abit…
brick and tina mention that lilith is talkin the Big Red and they are bored… dont remeber if they say what mordy is doin.