Erik's BL decor

Hello everyone!

These pics are from my parents’ house, from my little bros’ entertainment room where I like to visit often and which I like to decorate.

Edit: Kiddos, never buy a cheap “8 Mpix” Huawei phone. I’m really sorry about these pictures’ quality. What GARBAGE.






Game covers are not made anymore like in Command & Conquer days, even if all of these add-ons are great adventures.

It seems that backstories of Krieg and Gaige are only being in the Internet, so I had to save them to a mini-disc. Also because I have the game, I don’t want these parts of the story being just behind some weblink; I wanna “own” them too.

I also saved songs that I bought.

Still, 'cos I like that some valuable things are solid, I “turned” a Kindle book Short, Sweet and Packin’ Heat to paper.
It wasn’t easy, I realized some things would be better to leave for professionals.

I also decided to make a Borderlands timeline.

There are some quite questionable “characters”, like Monster Truck from Campaign of Carnage, a spaceship Homeworld Bound from The Fallen, Admiral Mikey from Secret Armory and Pimon & Tuumba from BL2.
(No Telltale Borderlands here, my apologies.)

I didn’t know it wouldn’t finally fit on the room’s wall.
How do you make good use of your time, dear friend on Pandora?

(If I have removed all 7 out of 8 characters who have only one mention in the list, I’d have needed just 1½ A4 sheets.)

Thanks to ShopGearbox’s Benita for sending me the one missing lithograph.
It was also nice when somebody had written kiitos (= thanks) onto the parcel of large lithographs. : )

There will be… more.

Also in future, I will dunk my money to this kind of treasures, so I truly hope the next Borderlands

will be proper and not outsourced.

Thanks for watching.


It’s…It’s beautiful…

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Very nice. I really like how you preserved some of the virtual work into hard copies.

There was a time when I wished I could own a collection of some game series, with its add-ons and sequels, but to be precise, in that old form, when games were in big cardboard boxes and there was a separate case for the game disc and a comprehensive game guide. I’ve never liked those “dvd cases”, and now even some of the biggest games are just small icons on my computer’s desktop.
Maybe that’s why I keep so much game stuff on walls and shelves, but probably I will see those cardboard cases again (in Dec/2016) - some people want to set up a game museum (in Finland) for which they’re already collecting money (50K€).

Even if I couldn’t take part to the #JackLoot contest, here would’ve been my video.

And even if I have that interjection “More!” in the video where I’m looking at Borderlands 2 Swag Filled Limited Edition Diamond Plate Loot Chest 2nd Edition, I’m not an idiot.
Okay, I was close to buy it - but then I decided to donate the money to some wild animal species. I read so many complaints that I’m just happy not to burn over €100 to a pile of trash - sorry all to you who have that thing.

I’m just looking for great BL stuff - I could do a lot to get something as beautiful as those BL character -themed game consoles.

XD This made my day!!! LOL thank you.

TPS… the unwanted child, the black sheep. LOL xD

…and a first nail to Borderlands’ coffin.

It’s been almost eleven weeks of waiting, and finally two important Borderlands items are here. Should’ve been just forget them and think “they’ll come when they’ll come”, but I couldn’t be like I wouldn’t care. It really seems that fewer people care about Borderlands, as that great Tina & Jack Giclee is still not sold-out?
Have to say, Ubiworkshop is faster and not half-full of junk. At least I save some money when gBxshop has so little to offer.

Man, framing this funny Tina/Jack-Giclee cost me four times compared to buying unfitting frames from Tokmanni market. And of course it looked better in the luminated shop, than on this ancient flower wallpaper… But it deserves this.

. . .

Marcus Kincaid makes me confused with his stories about Borderlands. In The Fallen, his passenger dies in a story that Marcus is telling to him during a bus trip. And we remember what happens to Marcus himself, at Fyrestone’s bus stop in the last part of BL1 game, even if he comments it afterwards.
After Tannis & the vault comic, I don’t know what to think, there is some serious and sad event in it, different than in the game story. How should I mark it to the chronicle?
All this just proves how living the Borderlands world is. There are stories about Borderlands, and different stories inside stories about Borderlands…

wow you have a great BL collection here!
And equestrian octopus is also very cute :slight_smile:

hmm … maybe I should to hang some of my watercolor stuff on my walls too… like ANOTHER TROPHY FOR MY WALL!!
You inspired me to make some glass frames.

But …this box costs almost like 20 kilogram of buckwheat… one person can live on it with water almost six months and don’t starve :Щ

Kraken the octopus is my youngest brother Henrik’s. I bought it to him from Korkeasaari Zoo long time ago.

After all most of my “art” is commercial, even if some of the pictures have been made a limited amount. Many of you who can hold some kind of pencil, have already made more unique works of art than these.
I myself stay avoiding of making my own versions of Borderlands and continuing its story, because I think I’d break the immersion. Time will tell does the future Borderlands return it.

image Oh, gimme a break…

Can’t say I’d love this t-shirt. Two of these Claptraps I barely recognize, and I miss especially “shield,” “sniper” and “class mod” Claptraps.

Has anyone tried to play The Guns Guns Guns Pack card game? (Top Trumps/Borderlands 2)
All the cards are dealt and players can only use the card on top of their pile. One should choose the best value of her/his card, then others tell that particular value too, and the one who has the highest value gets all those cards and chooses the next value.
Nice idea for a game! I tried to play few times,


but unfortunately I found the game boring when some of cards were just trash, like above. These don’t have any best value, especially when some guns are dozens of levels higher than others. Too much of good luck is needed to win with these. Anyway, the idea was nice.

"My first husband was a dirtbag, and a cheat.
My second husband was fun. I figured by then, that I deserved a toy, all for myself, and that’s what I got. Still wish I hadn’t broken my toy. My third husband was good with numbers… and his hands. We’re still friends, kind of. We’re civil. I’m looking for my fourth, you know, on the prowl. I don’t know when I’ll meet him, or where I’ll meet him, but he’s out there. For now, I’ll get my jollies off on bringing pain this way… or maybe this way. And in the end, the crowd will love me for my brutality. I’ll make them yearn for more and more of my pain. I’ll be cruel and enjoy myself. When the thrill wears off, I’ll leave and find a new toy. Until then, not too different than matrimony, come to think of it. Maybe the coliseum is my fourth husband, in a way."


Of course I like this statue, but maybe we all know Miss Moxxi already. Personally I’ve been waiting for another one since 2014 (with a cardboard box covered with haiku, maybe…). When it finally will be released, it might be my last Borderlands item.

Any idea who needs all of those lucky charms (TT’s rabbits are missing something…)?


28th January 2016: But now the Zer0 statue has been cancelled. It was the secong Borderlands thing I have ordered from United States of America, it would have been the pearl of my collection.

Lately my thought was also to make a new shorter chronological map about Borderlands characters, those who are at least two times mentioned in different parts of the Borderlands story. This map should’ve been more beautiful, like a star chart, so I thought I’d use the galactic “Vault map” as a backround, the one Lilith shows us in the end of the BL2 game, and these would’ve been the constellations (maybe I would have put the “fast / short-time” guys under just one star):

Athena|Sgt. Axton|Von Bartlesby, Sir Reginald|Blake, Jeffrey|Bloodwing|Lt. Boom|Brick|Broomy|Queen Butt Stallion|Chimay|Claptrap|Crawmerax the Invincible|Crazy Earl|Cutie Horny Face|Deathtrap|Destroyer|Digit|Ellie|
Essimere|Finn, Cal|Finn, Marla|Flesh-Stick|Flexington, Mister Torgue|Princess Fluffybutt|Flynt, Baron|Flynt, Captain|Franks, Erik|Gaige|Gen. Goddess Gynella|Guardian Angel|Sir Hammerlock|Handsome Jack|Brother Harker|Higgins|Innuendobot 5000|Jakobs claptrap|Kincaid, Marcus|Gen. Knoxx, Alphonso|Krieg|Krom|Kuller, Daphne|Lawrence, Timothy / Jack doppelganger|Lilith|Maya|Mordecai|Ms. Moxxi|Prof. Nakayama|Nine Toes|Sheriff Nisha|Pierce, Helena|Pinky|Priscilla|Rakk Hive/Roscoe|Gen. Rancid|Cmdr. Roland|Salvador|
Sanders, Shep|Sarah|Scar|Scooter|Sledge|Brother Sophis|Cmdt. Steele|Talon|Dr. Tannis, Patricia|Tassiter|Tate/
Asha|Tiny Tina|TK Baha/Teddy|Warrior|Wilhelm|Zaford, Lucky|Zer0.

6.4.-16: Here is one sketch I tried to make with ConceptDraw Pro - please watch out for your eyes. It doesn’t suit well for screens; I should print again something like this…
This time I included Roland’s aunt Matilda but excluded Aquator which we’ve seen only in torn posters.

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I haven’t been here for a while… I was on abroad (in TX).
I also got my overdose from Borderlands after coming back. The most certain way to get it, is to do every challenge in the game (mine was BL2). I dunno if something special will happen after you kill 10.000 Eridians in BL1? Some challenges were not much funnier in BL2, like
“Purchase 15 items with seraph crystals” (needs you to kill “the Invincible” bosses ca. 80 times in UVHM),
“15 times find and eliminate Jimmy J3NKN5” and
“Kill 2000 enemies from long distance with rocket launchers”.

At least challenges were named funnily…

How many times do you guys think man should be shooted to his face to kill him, when you have two Overpower level 8 weapons, another for slag and another pearlescent, and even stats like gun damage and fire rate are boosted?


The Strategy Guide betrayed me two times. No need to ask did I get anything special after this.
I listened couple of talking books while doing all this nonsense.


Even if that diagram above is still missing few characters and the rusty red colour (for animals) should be changed, I don’t want to hear about Borderlands in a long time.

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Hi there.

Do you or your brother still have the lithographs? I’m trying to find the Mordecai one for someone and I don’t know where it was from.