Continuing the discussion from Game Theory: Handsome Jack, Monster or Misunderstood?:
It seems likely to me Gearbox is setting up Lilith to be the Villain of BL3 or some other future BL game. It makes sense from every logical standpoint i can think of. Borderlands 2 has changed/added some of the staples of the BL franchise in many people minds. One of those people i am keen to believe is Gearbox themselves. Thinking about it from Gearbox’s point of view i see why Lilith would be likely made into a main villain in a future game. They have said in many interviews that the driving force behind BL2 is Handsome Jack. BL2 story is Villain Driven. The Villain is the focus of the entire story. It seems likely from everything they said that in future BLs main titles they will continue this story focus.
Lilith has shown to have a weakness to Jack. Not your traditional Kryptonite weakness. I mean a mental and emotional weakness. Because of her Extreme Hatred of Jack over Roland’s Death she has trouble remaining Rational in matters that in any way involve him. This was clearly demonstrated at the end of BL:TPS. This weakness is so strong with her that she is clearly willing to do terrible things because of it. Thanks to Eridrim Lilith also has the kind the power or the easy potential to gain the kind of power needed to become a world/possibly system or even galactic endangering threat. She has shown to be many times more powerful then any vault hunter who has come before her when using Eridiam.
On top of that it is a easy (possibly cheap) way to make sure that they can top Handsome Jack as a Villain. As clearly demonstrated countless times in the Gaming Industry before Fallen Heroes make much Better Villains. In this case it would be a former Anti-Hero that you could actually play as and who many believe to be a Hero (Referring to those who don’t realize the only playable Vault Hunter who can even come anywhere near close to that classification is prolly just Roland). This would be a easy way to make sure Gearbox can out do themselves.
Many believe that Gearbox wouldn’t do this because it would be too controversial. These people haven’t been paying attention to the gaming industry in general. The extreme controversy of it would prolly make them more likely TO DO it because the controversy would be a tremendous boon to sales. Here’s a video to save me from having to explain.
This wouldn’t even have a negative effect on the Video Game Violence Myth so it’s even more reason why it would be appealing to Gearbox.
What makes this even more likely to be Gearbox’s intended direction is the Handsome Jack AI from Tales of The Borderlands Which is Canon. This AI is very clearly a digital copy of Handsome Jack and i have no doubt Lilith wouldn’t be absolutely thrilled about it if she heard about it’s existence. I imagine she would be willing to do some pretty darn extreme things to get rid of it if it’s existence ever becomes known to her (Hint, Hint at my beliefs on future Borderlands story events.)
And again Gearbox has confirmed that Handsome Jack will not be Coming back to life. If the Jack AI was to be the Main Villain of BL3 this would pretty much the same thing even if it’s true the real Jack is technically still dead. This just seems unlikely to me on so many different levels.