Class Mod farming

Didn’t saw anything specific after a (very) quick search.
Question is: Is there a Tubby equivalent to farm for COMs? (Doesn’t look like it.)
If not: Any suggestions on what (COM) I should keep an eye open for?
Closing on the end of TVHM and din’t had much luck with COM so far on Jack’s Double.
Build so far: (I know it’s not optimal. Only for reference.) Sporting an Accented Antagonist.

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Entrepreneur and best man class mods are my favorite to use.

Entrepreneur for general guns and best man for explosive/splash damage builds

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Best place is Grinder. I really like Celestial COM for every character and it’s easy to get by putting three purple COMs into Grinder.


I got my celestial dopple ganger by farming an enemy you can go for them if you have the research area unlocked I got it as a world drop from a stalker with a weird name. He is how i got my Celestial Doppleganger class mod edit: also you can hunt that big kraggon at the end of the game iwajira who drops tons of blues purples and sometimes a legendary with that there is farming EOS as well EOS almost has a guranteed chance to drop a legendary or im really lucky

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Stalker with a weird name is i guess X-STLK-23.
Who according to wiki drop the Eridian Vanquisher. All good. That was my question. Thanks.

That’s what I was afraid of. :+1:

Not my #1 choice skill wise but look like the most favorable option(s). I’ll keep an eye open for these. Thanks.

Pretty much got my answers. I’ll wait a little before asking to lock the thread.
… Just in case.

It wouldn’t surprise me if there were a class of enemies that had an increased chance to drop COMs (which if nothing else could then become grinder fodder). If you just want tons of drops, Outlands Canyon is one of my favourite hunting grounds - all those critters and Scavs!


I tend to find class mods from the vendor and it’s always a blue or higher. I also find them from the sentinel boss he seems to drop a few.

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