I haven’t seen this theory anywhere (I just searched), but it seems clear to me that Tannis is either responsible for, or complicit in, the Robot Revolution.
The key is in her intro cut scene. She has one of the brains in a jar radio dish on front devices that turns things into -trap versions of themselves.
This seems like just the type of device that Patty would like to create; disruptive, weird, and painful to others.
Did she create the devices, then enlist ClapTrap’s help in putting them in use?
Or did Clappy approach her to create these mind-warping devices?
I’m sure this has to have been discussed sometime int he last 9 years, but don’t see it.
Interesting… It could also be because she is collecting the parts, just like she makes the player go get parts for her.
I wouldn’t put it past her to be responsible, but what would her motive be? Even though she is crazy, she always has a reason to do what she does, even if that reason is insane
I think she’s just collecting the parts. Marcus’ intro to the DLC is pretty clear that ultimately it’s Hyperion’s fault for (a) turning Claptrap into INAC (or Fragtrap as he is in TPS), and it’s his advanced AI that goes rogue, eventually turning the local Hyperion troops and Bandits into zombies.
I can buy that Hyperion is behind the mess and clappy going rogue.
I still think that Tannis is directly complicit and either offered, or was asked by clappy, to help.
Without the various -trap enemies the revolution would have gone no where. The clap traps themselves are squishy, they would not have had a chance of success against VHs or the Lance itself without help.
Bandits in the Junkyard, for example, will attack clappers. -trap equipped enemies will not, That offers evidence that they’re connected.
Understand your desire to merge, it was non-merged since it was following a conversational flow. But your choice.
She has one of the