So I’m super excited for FL4K but I have no freaking idea how they’re going to work! I’ve been having fun trying to guess things.
So we know from the cosplay guide and trailers that they have 3 pets. The skag, spiderant, and jabber (gun cat monkey). It seems kinda obvious that summoning these pets will be their action skill, like it just fits really well with the 3 skill trees and 3 main action skill varieties that we’ve been seeing for everybody so far.
But in another trailer, we also see FL4K do something that looks like invisibility, and in yet another trailer it looks kind of like they might also have some rakk? How are these skills going to work? Are they going to have a second action skill like Zane, but for Zane it eats his grenade slot, would FL4K also have to give something up to use a 2nd skill?
If their skills like invisibility are not 2nd action skills, how do those skills work? Kill skills? Action skill overrides? I’m usually not a huge fan of pet summoner classes because I really like having more active action skills, with Gaige it feels like presses action skill button to summon Deathtrap, Deathtrap is out doing Deathtrap things for a long time, Deathtrap goes away and is on cooldown, 5 minutes later you actually get to press your action skill button again. If FL4K’s pets are ones that get summoned and are out for a long time doing their own thing, then maybe when the pets are out the action skill button can be used for a secondary ability like invisibility. But then there might be situations where it’s like tries to go invisible, doesn’t notice pet is off cooldown, accidentally throws skag at somebody’s face.
Their class mods look like their 3 pets. What happens if you equip a class mod that doesn’t match your pet?
Can we give the gun cat monkey a gun? And how?
I have so many questions.