Did i just miss this?


Got that from the Large Dahl Chest in the Buzzard Academy, and it doesn’t look like I think it should. My understanding is that the Volcano looks exactly like a standard Purple Maliwan sniper (allowing for part variation), but this doesn’t have the Orange and White I expected. Have i just never seen a Purple Maliwan Sniper, or did something get changed while I was on hiatus from BL2?

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Never see that too, what a find, congrats

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It’s just a regular purple sniper with a Jakobs barrel. Nothing unusual about it. Vladof grip and Hyperion stock since I’m at it.

The Volcano has the Maliwan barrel like the Snider.


There is something off about it though… like the skin on the barrel is wrong or something? Doesn’t feel right.


You’d be right

The orange and white pattern is missing and the body is different, which means…

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I know it doesn’t mean much, but I swear it’s legit. That’s how it came out of the chest in the Dust. I’m on Xbox, so modding the game is a lot more trouble than I’m willing to go to.

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I wonder if it has to do with the phenomenon where the elemental coloring is off in some people’s sniper rifles that came with the hi-def update?

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I was going to ask the same question as @Adabiviak - are you on XB1X with the high res textures installed?

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Yes, I am.

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Then I suspect that the high res texture is either not working in game at all, or is not working in the weapon preview. Do the colours show properly when you have the weapon equipped? (Should be able to see it slung across your character’s back if you pop the inventory open and rotate the camera.)

Either way, sounds like a bug report is in order.

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I didn’t actually look at it on my character’s back, and since I don’t normally use Sniper Rifles, I sold it a while back (after using it to get Rank 1 of all Sniper Rifle challenges). I can say it had the same appearance when I had it in hand as it does in the preview screen. I also wasn’t aware that there were any issues with the HD Texture Pack, so it didn’t occur to me that that might be the issue.

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On PC we’ve reported that the elemental glow is missing from the barrel. I hadn’t noticed any other issues - but this sounds most likely.

Alright. I’ll drop a bug report in the Handsome Collection forum when I get a chance.

EDIT: Submitted a Bug Report to Gearbox, and created a thread in the Handsome Collection Xbox Support forum. I’m not really worried about it getting fixed, as I sold the weapon (not much of a Sniper, and i mainly picked it up to sell, though I did use it to complete some Challenges before actually selling it), and even if it happens again, I play solo pretty exclusively. There’s therefore no issues with trying to make a trade, only for someone to say it’s modded or something.

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Figured I’d update this, as I got another Maliwan Sniper with the same skin a while back. However, now that I’ve seen the DLC, I think this was an issue with the skin for Mordecai’s Sniper Rifle being applied to all Maliwan Snipers. If you pay attention to the Sniper Rifle Mordecai uses in the latest DLC, it’s got the same skin as what I found. They probably gave Mordecai a Sniper Rifle and changed it’s skin, but didn’t give him an Unplayable weapon, so the skin is being applied to any Maliwan Sniper. There may even be part restrictions for this particular skin to appear; I didn’t pay attention to the parts on the ones I’ve found with that skin.

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