I honestly continue to be super impressed with the Gift Shop.
I am doing a “Brick to 69” Playthrough and I thought I would unlock the Gift Shop as early as possible in PT1.
Ended up being level 22 when I unlocked access to farming it.
I probably could’ve done it a couple levels lower, but it doesn’t matter as at level 22 the Gift Shop was giving me gear of level 16-17 on average (ummm also while I am getting into this, I have noticed something weird…has anyone noticed how as you gain in levels, gear you equip will lower its level? For example, level 22 gear will become level 17 when you equip it, level 68 gear will become low 60s, etc? Why does this happen?)…no Legendaries, crappy Class Mods, no Eridian weapons, greens and whites mixed into chests, chests opening with only one gun inside, etc.
But then I hit 23.
I had a side mission at Tartarus Station I had forgotten to turn in (alas, poor Clucktrap, we hardly knew ye…), so I decided to hit the Gift Shop while I was there.
It had upgraded itself in my absence!
Oranges everywhere now!
5 bonus class mods!
Big shields!
Shiny Eridian weapons everywhere!
Gear from chests is now 19-25 and I am level 23.
This is awesome!
I have a feeling you can just keep going back to the Gift Shop every 5-10 levels and upgrading your Armory!
To be fair, this essentially removes challenge from the game, at least in Playthrough 1 or 2.
Also, no Pearlescents from Gift Shop ever.
Still, if you ever want good early game gear, take a couple hours and unlock Gift Shop access!