Yeah. I just was doing this hidden quest on the TK’s HH DLC.
Got a OP6 Plenteous Pyrophobia from him. Watched some videoguides, and all of that guys who were doing this stuff also got one. I know there is also a chance of getting the Hellfire from him (which I got from Sully). Or just was RNGesus again?
Pretty high. For me he seems to drop one of each around three to four runs. I’ve never spent more than 5 runs without a legendary. But I guess that’s expected seeing as he’s a hidden boss. Also the fact that he doesn’t drop the greatest legendaries…
I played this HH pack on a friends console since I don’t have the dlc and got the Pyrophobia from him (as well as a Neogenator from the renamed Spycho). Since I got it on the first try I’d say he has a pretty high drop rate- but take it with a grain of salt…