Because some pieces of gear are just really satisfying.
Youve got your machine pistols for the start of the game. Good damage (better if cold prefix), good reload speed, and good mag size if you go s&s. Just a nice, steady stream of bullets.
Then you’ve got your sniper rifles. A good barrel, scope, and ppz body will turn bandit encampments into comically intricate target shoots.
Oh, and revolvers. Great in their own right, especially if scoped. Guaranteed elemental procs make them a great choice for sirens. The cathartic, deliberate shots of a revolver are very well complemented with an area of effect, and guaranteed DOT. However, we all know most revolvers in use are mashers. That tight spread, high damage/crit damage, and slow deliberate shots are why many players just go straight for a masher. Bonus points for a jackobs masher with knockback, just so satisfying.
Then you’ve got your shotguns. The standard revolver type shotguns give good pellet count, and make a great choice on their 2 extremes. A 12 shot mag gives you a consistent and sustained rich lead cone, and the 2 shot gives you double damage stopper shots. Assault shotguns are less pellets, but better fire rate. The tighter spread, and faster shots make you feel like a SWAT team sweeper while you shower a bandit’s face with efficient death cylinders.
Then you’re assault rifles. They heartily clug along with good, straight to the point heavy fire. Get a high fire rate/mag size, and you will feel like you’ve broken the game with how that thing sounds, and puts out damage.
Lastly, you’ve got your SMG’s. Nice tight bursts of no-nonsense high quantity lead. Get the HX body to speed up encounters by 100% like a good efficient soldier. Opt for an accuracy barrel and scope to find out why sniping is overrated, or get a double anarchy to find out what it’s like to poke someone 1000 times in the face to death.
That’s why I farm at least.