Alternative roid shields Zero

Farming terramorphous is going to be the end of me.
I saw online that the Bigg Thumprr shield was added to BL2, but also that it was removed later.

If it matters, I play on the X1 on the handsome collection.

Is it still possible to get this shield?
If so, who/what drops it?

Edit: also not including Love Thumper. since i have to finish a playthrough to get it a good level.

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Bigg Thumpr isn’t legitimately obtainable. As for other melee shields, get a love thumper if you play solo


The best alternative to a Hide (other than the Love Thumper) is a Punchee : an easy farm at the Torgue seraph vendor. Crystals required of course.

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I dont have any crystals lol.

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Tinder’s Loot Train is good for purple shields. They can be extremely good.

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Would those be good enough to replace Hide of Terra?
or would they be like temporary?

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A good purple is almost as good as a Punchee anyways (if all parts are identical). Alternatively the Order is on par with the Punchee.

Yes, they are totally viable - especially at lower OP levels.

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