Can they drop there? Meaning we can get lvl 69 legendaries? Or does it only drop Gearbox legendaries.
So far, we’ve only seen Gearbox legendaries and up to purples from it.
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I had not gotten any, but just dropped a key in the Fyrestone box at the start of PT2 and picked up a Defender from the golden chest.
Which is another BL troll on me, since I don’t use shotguns, and that’s what it’s been giving me the last two days.
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Well, I suppose with all of the 75 keys there is some chance to get a top tier lvl69 legendary.
I found this thing by occasionally opening chests, seems perfect parts and all, but is ruined by having mat1. (Damage: -20%, Spread: +35% ) Or rather ruined by not having mat3 to make it exceed anything that can be found at lvl68.
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