How do you beat Pete the Invinsible?

i can’t even get his health down. furthest i got was all of his shield which took 15 mins. i used a slag weapon to slag him and two unkempt harolds when he was slagged. also used a bee shield, but i still wasn’t doing enough damage. any one have any tips how to kill him solo and where to get that gear?

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A fairly easy way to do it is with Salvador-

Slag Pete first (Grog, Slag Nade, up to you :))
Bee+Shock Sandhawk to get his shield down (Keep slagging when he shakes it off)
For Pete’s Health, DP Harold+Grog
literally just stand there face-tanking whatever Pete doles out and blow him away.

Get a Trespasser (Quest Reward from Animal Rights, talk to Mordecai in Sanctuary)
Gunzerk with a Trespasser and a DPS weapon, ignore his shield and take his health down
Bee shield will make this method quicker.

Sandhawk is a quest reward from Captain Scarlett for completing
‘Whoops’ (chapter 6 or 7)
Grog Nozzle you can get from Tiny Tina DLC by accepting the mission
‘The Beard Makes the Man’ from Claptrap in Mines of Avarice
Just don’t turn in the mission/finish the quest
Bee you can get from Hunter Hellquist in Arid Nexus-Boneyard
or from the Treeants in The Forest in Tiny Tina DLC
Unkempt Harold drops from Savage Lee in Three Horns Divide,
but it’s easiest to get from the Torgue Vending Machines in the Torgue DLC.
you need 613 Torgue Tokens, so keep doing the Bar Room Brawl in Pete’s Bar
or the Death Race.

*Interfacer: Drops from Voracidous the Invincible or Omnd-Omnd-Ohk.
This beats out the DP Harold in terms of DPS, but I didn’t mention it bc
Voracidous is considerably, considerably harder to beat than Pete.
If you can get it, go with the interfacer :smiley:

every class can solo pete- there are numerous tactics
but I think the most important thing is to keep Pete slagged while
doing whatever you are doing.
Happy hunting :smile:

thanks for the informative post! will try some of these.

Avoiding his novas is the key to beating him. In order to do that, you need to block line fo sight when he releases them. The best place to do that is to run behind the scaffolding on the opposite side of the waterfall where spider ants spawn when you turn on the water. That’s also the waterfall you’ll want to use if you get hit by a nova and can’t compensate with the Grog.

As said before, there are some tricks you can exploit to take him down really fast, but if you don’t have access to those certain items, you’re better off running around that scaffolding, and wearing him down with regular guns.

You can also grenade jump to get up on the ledge and from there the scaffolding. This gives you some useful things to hide behind.

He can be a bit monotonous if you don’t have the Bee. If you do, and you do manage a grenade jump, then it’s fairly straightforward. With my Axton I throw out my slag turret to distract him and keep him slagged, then pop out from cover and pummel him with my weapon of choice. For his shields, I use my Shock Pimpernel, and for his health I use the Sand Hawk. Whenever he does his signature move just hide behind the scaffolding or buildings.

Will try. How long does it take you doing this?

Also which sand hawk do I need for Pete?

I just use the regular Sand Hawk with my Bee equipped. I measure it in turrets - it takes around four uses of the turret to take care of his shields, and another six or so to whittle down his health. Without the Bee I’d probably still be doing it now :smile:

But with the turret down he ignores me, so I don’t have to worry about dodging anything. When my turret expires, I hide inside one of the buildings on the scaffolding or behind the pipes and pop out again when it recharges.

Another way is to grenade jump on the ledge and lure Pete up there (if he sees you, he will jump up. For some reason, he jumps up but not down again, so once he joins you you can just jump down and then attack him at your leisure. That way you can also resupply if you run low on ammo!

It should be done in few minutes. If you want to farm him real quick, sal with slag pimpernel on the left hand, deep a creamer (from slaughter dome, mission reward) on the right, empty your rocket ammo. Evolution shield, Explosive relics, chaotic evil monk 6 money shot. Aim at his groin, under a min. This comb actually frowned upon if you run it in online multiplayer as it is almost godlike.

Of course, if you want to fair fight him, bee and shock stopping or Flying sandhawk, slagga for slagging, avoid his nova as above posts. Or gaige anarchy stacks, tediore grip coach shotgun in the dummy range. Use shock Redundent fibber on him.

They are many ways to kill him, fastest or slowest, all are gears dependent and skill tree respec.

Lady Fist can do serious damage. Use a trespasser to shoot his helmet off and his shield will be wrecked by a shock flavoured one.
Also, Krieg’s bloodsplosion is no joke either. Haven’t got around to trying it but I’m assuming you spawn in minions, throw a bunch of slag singularity and maybe bouncing betty grenades, then go crazy with a powerful rocket launcher.

Shock sandhawk, shock damage ancient relic or regular shock damage relic w/o the cooldown, grog nozz or rubi, storm front and the bee. And let like the other post mentioned there are some places even on the floor where you can hide from the novas. Particularly with Axton, you can place the turret in between you and Pete while you take cover by the scaffolding, the two columns to the right of the activation board and column next to the switch for the platform that goes up.

Here’s a good grenade jumping video for the different spots you can jump to in Pete’s arena.


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Dude relax, it is just a game forum. BTW the snake needs not to eat it’s own tail. There is trading forum for stuffs. I am sure people are more than happy to part a evo. If op can’t find one, I will more than happy to supply one. Of course if farming is all he want to do. Antagonist, oh, need seraphim crystals, a bee then which I did suggest with sand hawk.
This post is relatively old already, where have you been. Anyway good video.

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I just started using Maya and a trespasser sniper to take off the helmet after phaselocking him, the bee (for some reason the grounded one makes the fight a a lil easier than other bees). I can’t explain it since testing the other elemental immune bees on the range seems to produce the same results. Then the onslaught begins with the grounded sandhawk, phaselocking for slag and storm front grenades plus a lot of running around the scaffoldings, hiding behind columns and grenade jumping to spots per the video I previously found and poster earlier.

You can easily take him out with any character, you dont even need to spend skill points to kill him, just get yourself a Shock Sandhawk and a Bee. Y(e)!

There’s no need to use either Sandhawk or Bee. It just shortens the duration of the fight. This fight is just about dodging novas and wearing Pete down.

It depends on your class and what gear you have available or can obtain quickly / care to farm for first.

That being said, in addition to the good advice already provided by others, I want to say that the Big Boom Blaster is actually one of the best shields to use on him if you’re not beehawking him and play a good shield using character (so not Krieg or Sal)…

That shield feels like it’s made for that fight.

The fastest I’ve taken him down is with Maya speced into Ruin with a L. Cat mod (138% SMG damage), Trespasser, shock Flaying Sand Hawk and of course, a Bee. Second fastest was with Krieg using a slag Bouncing Betty, Trespasser, RR and Practicable Butcher- just keep focused on his head to rack up the critical hits and he goes down quickly…