So I was playing Bl2 as Gaige at level 58 and ever since I killed Roscoe I keep getting a random skill activation down by my exp bar. what’s weird is that this skill is nowhere in her skill tree and when you have inactive skills they show up as grey boxes and get the picture when they’re active, I have 8 grey boxes and this one keeps showing up as the 9th. the picture it shows looks like bursting bubbles and it randomly activates about 3 to 4 times a minute even when I’m just standing still and lasts a few seconds, if anyone knows why I’d be glad to hear Solved: I learned from people commenting that it’s from my Orc, had no idea sense I’ve barely used the gun and it doesn’t say it anywhere in the gun’s description
pretttyyyyyy sure you’re talking about make it sparkle.
But if not, here’s a list of all her icons.
No that’s not it, I’ve played Gaige for years and I’ve never seen this, it doesn’t have the little toy robot in the middle and it shows up even if I’m sitting still, during combat and out, with or without dt summoned
show me. Hell, it might be a new or updated icon from the hd pack.
if you have the ucp that is the indicator that you have the drunk effect of the grog nozzle active.
pretty neat right.
That would be cool except I don’t even have the grog nozzle and haven’t even used it yet on this character
is this the icon?
what weapon are you using?
I am not sure if that is the same icon (but probably it is) for other guns with special effects just like the orc.
well that would answer it, what’s the affect of the orc? it doesn’t say it anywhere on the gun
As nat said, the bursting bubbles usually indicates that your gun’s special ability is active afaik. The Grog Nozzle isn’t the only gun that does that. The Ogre and Orc also do that iirc, and probably some other ones as well. Would you mind sharing your loadout?
Oh nvm I got ninja’d.
yep, probably the orc. since it has a randomly activated effect -
Has a chance to randomly activate a short-lived boost that causes bullets to ricochet and split into 3 upon impact with surfaces. When this boost is active, reload speed and fire rate increase dramatically.
from wiki
Has a chance to randomly activate a short-lived boost that causes bullets to ricochet and split into 3 upon impact with surfaces. When this boost is active, reload speed and fire rate increase dramatically.
orc is pretty popular in the TT’s.
or possibly the ogre, which also randomly activates one of it’s abilities:
Has an extra 100% splash damage bonus and can fire two shots in rapid succession. It has a chance to randomly increase its fire rate and reload speed for a short period, and during this buff its projectiles will also ricochet.
Well thanks guys, now I know. I was confused because I know reborn gives Maya a skill called bursting bubbles and I’m pretty sure they use the same symbol so i was confused how I was getting it on Gaige
Well, I just learned something new! My big question is, how do you guys manage to even notice those things when you’re in the middle of a fight, never mind figure out which icon is which…
What? you can’t see the entire screen at the same time?
It depends on whether I’m relaxed or focussed. When things get intense, I usually lose awareness of what’s around the edges of the screen. If you were to drop into my game during a mobbing session, I wouldn’t even know you were there until I started wondering why that one bandit wouldn’t take damage!
And if I’m sitting far enough away from the TV to comfortably take in the whole screen (and avoid motion sickness), I only see little grey or gold squares winking in and out of existence along my XP tab - I simply can’t see the detail well enough to figure out which is which without getting up and far too close to the screen.
I’ve managed to familiarize myself with some of them over the years: the IO and Anarchy stacks probably being the best examples. I’m developing a better sense of Cloud Kill and Critical Ascension as well, but I’m still thoroughly lost with Krieg’s stack-based icons.
Just like driving a car. Right mirror to see any red dot on the map and if i have a full mag on my weapons, left mirror to see if coop partners need healing or are down and my health if i am above healthgate, rear mirror to see any skill active.
@nat_zero_six, you just broke that down in a way that will help me keep tabs on those things so much better. You are helping me claw my way out of the pit of mediocrity in which I game. Thank you.