There are couple of old guides on here , as well as youtube videos.
But I am the same as you, and wanted some rough guideance as to what to play with for brick.
Honestly I follow joltz and k6 with little bit of my own research so take the all of above advice and mine with pinch of salt and playa round but here is my recommend.
I always recommend for easy playthrough do claptrap DLC , farm the worms their for exp and then try get through all that dlc for a farmable scable loot room for your play through and a additional skillpoint
1- 14/15
get yourself something that hits hard and isnt too slow to reload , I generally play with a mian weapon and then a FFYL backup e.g. rocket launcher
Melee - this is useful for basically if you want to mess with melee or you havent got good guns
Great melee damage all round in and out of your action skill
Guns - Basic start for boosting reload speed for heavy damage gun works well if they have high fire rate as well
I usually go split early for revenge and wide load because rocket launchers work great with brick and a helix or burst one gives me a good chance for second winds and high damage when im back into corner
Surviablity - if your struggling to stay alive or just want to play safe ( I dont recommend this as Im a more offense is a good defence early on)
I do one for daze as it can be useful but otherwise beef your health and shield.
juggernaught helps reduce damage but it is a kill skill and you need to be getting kills for it to be super useful (better later on)
15-39 - I do a big level leap here because the above three builds can be tweaked and altered as you go down to get these layouts - all good in thier own way depending on how you want to play
BTW - I assume at points you have stopped to either farm exp or gear or done claptrap/zed dlc just to get to this level cap. I find most people end up about 34+ towards playthrough two
Melee -
Once again we’ve pushed down the left tree - picking up to reduce berserk cooldown and picking up blood sport for regen
I don’t put max points into it as if we getting enough kills juggernaught procs to reduce damage and getting vial drops and kills helps with regen ( Note this is berserk use only)
Middle tree synergieses for toughness - boosting health and shield
juggernaught for damage reduction , daze for odd chance it helps keep enemies still for kill.
Pay back and die hard - payback for when shield does go down but help get damage for kill to proc juggernaught and wait action skill. Die hard is just for the extended FFYL time and health when you do go down
Of course Unbreakable for shield boost so everything can link together for pay back to get damage, procs juggernaught for damage reduction, , procs heavy handed when you get kill for damage.
So you can keep swining.
Guns -
Here for guns - keep to right tree
Revenage for kill skill - damage boost.
Rapid reload - does exactly what we need
I put two into wide load and 1 everywhere else - mainly for class com boosts (pick what you need for sitautons.
Then middle tree for toughness - pick your poision more health or more shield
keep to the juggernaught for damage reduction
1 point for die hard and then 3 into payback.
Its all about damage, getting kills, procing skills - rinse and repeat.
Survablity - I won’t skill tree this because now the middle tree merges into what you want either melee or gun play.
See the above and basically if you want to shoot or melee but start tough - spec into middle tree as above and then brach left or right.
Its all about end game
Now below are two builds I spec awhile ago and I fiddle with as required but they do what they need to do
( This assume youve got the extra skill points from DLCS)
Melee -
I added in more duration to bersek and sting like a bee to help close the distance
Spec into right tree for the reload and damge when you have to use guns plus liquidate if you do use explosive weapons helps with cool down
I have three points left over and generally if Im using explosive i go for addiontla cool down otherwise I throw into middle tree for addiontal toughness or damage where I need it
Guns -
Here I min max to a degree - I spec a little into melee because I make use of the action skill from time to time otherwise
I swap comms depening on if Im bossing or mobbing.
But this is my flow game play - I get kills, proc skills rinse and repeat, give me buffs when I need it and I throw the points where I require them as needed.
More damage, more damage resitance
Master blaster while a good skill - you dont get full use of the regen due to kill skill duration so I only do a max of three points but you can do two and shift else where as needed.
But overall play around and have fun but these builds have helped me in my plays with brick and I hope they help you.
Happy hunting