Gearbox "legendary" guns are a big problem

For those that don’t know me I played Borderlands 1 a ludicrous amount back in the day and was very active on the old gearchat forums.

After leveling a new Siren from scratch over the weekend and doing endgame farming again, it has become very clear to me that the new Gearbox legendarys are just plain bad for the game.

Guns with “set” parts do not belong in Borderlands 1 period. Compounding the problem is the fact that they are included into Crawmerax’s loot table at a - not just common - but GUARANTEED rate. Also as far as I can tell, are NOT in addition to, but they seem to be straight up replacing normal high tier drops (legendary / pearl) in Craw’s loot table. (Edit: too early to tell if this is true, as I have no concrete evidence of it, though it is possible.)

Solution - leaving them as starter weapons is fine, also leaving them in the end boss chest of PT1 and PT2 is fine. REMOVE them from Crawmerax please.


Agreed, they’re pretty obnoxious.

I was curious how you reached this conclusion,

They’re so anomalous to the rest of BL1 loot I can actually believe it if dev added in an extra layer of RNG just for these guns aside of the drops we’re used to.


yea, unfortunately I am not 100% sure they are replacing things in the loot table, as they are a guaranteed drop it is possible they are added on top of what already drops. I still think they should be removed as they just clutter up the pile unnecessarily. I should edit that into my original post as I have no hard evidence yet.

edit : and to be clear I don’t hate the guns themselves, I thought it was an interesting addition. I just don’t personally think they belong at end game (especially as is with set parts)


I’m really curious to test out the Golden Key chest and mini-boss drops. I’ve seen some screenshots of the Golden Key chest and the results are mind-boggling, at least for BL1. As I understood the loot spawning system, it wasn’t possible to get this consistency out of the system. Haven’t used it myself yet, so I shouldn’t say anything.
Mini-boss drops though, those have been consistently great for me. All the way from Nine-Toes/Pinky/Digit, to Roid Rage, Scar, Moe/Marley, and so far up to New Haven I haven’t NOT gotten a purple from mini-bosses. Perhaps not one from 'Zilla, but even then that consistency is spectacular for BL1.

I’m getting off topic here, but my point is that under the old tenets of the BL1 system you’d have to jack the AL of a loot source way up, but eventually you’d start getting legendaries instead of only purples. I dunno, I suspect they did something under(or beside) the hood, that’s all.


Yes, they most certainly added purple drops to nearly all mini bosses, which I thought was a great addition. I got quite a few DVL purple snipers from them, a couple with barrel 4, which i found odd as DVL body is quite significantly rarer than the other sniper bodies. So yea seems like they did do something interesting there. I was never that keen on the idea of the Golden Chest :confused: and have not used one yet in BL1 yet.

I understand your point though, It would be easier to add gearbox guns as a separate drop variable entirely than It would be to alter the existing Craw loot. Though the mini boss drops do seem “specialized” to me.

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So far, if I had to guess, they duplicated the loot pool minus the legendary parts and unique guns, and then jacked the AL to something insane like 200, if that’s even possible.

Yea I suppose all we can do is speculate about that part of it right now. I think it would be fine to have a way to get the 69 versions of the gearbox weapons (though if you spent like 10 min. on craw you probably already have them all), but I just don’t think slapping them on Craw was the way to go at all.

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It makes farming Crawmerax feel less rewarding, when half of drops are to be ignored on sight. It’s interesting that the good looks works in opposite way, as way to easily to recognize the stuff to ignore. I don’t mind the fixed parts however, the issue I think is “rarity”. Although having variance on parts would help that better than just lowering drop rates.

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Edit: never mind, it’s covered above under spoilers.

You guys have always been wayyyyyyy ahead of me.


I killed Craw once on my lvl 69 character when I transferred it over, just to test stuff. I only got one of the new Gearbox weapons from the whole heap (the Violence revolver). Rest seemed to be the usual mix of equalizers and volcanoes. Are you guys getting more per kill?

Pearls are still in Craw’s drop table with their aggravating rarity… Someone found a Steel Undertaker and posted a pic over in finds of the day

7 Crawmerax kills:
Nr. - Number of gearbox legendaries - Number of normal legendaries
1 - 1 - 5
2 - 2 - 3
3 - 2 - 3
4 - 2 - 4
5 - 2 - 7
6 - 3 - 2
7 - 1 - 6


@panic Holy crap! It 's the one and only panic! Hey there !!


FWIW, old Crawmerax dropped an average of exactly 6 (well, 6.001) legendaries per kill, over about 1000 4-player kills.

at ~120 drops per 4-player kill and ~65 per single-player, that’s a bit more than 3 expected. So, doesn’t look bad at all but we need a few hundred more kills to really know :slight_smile:


It’s so nice to see all these old names again.


@panic I love everything you said. I completely agree. I’ve been farming Craw and find the Gearbox Legendaries take up too many of what I would hope would be alternating legendaries, not the same Gearbox fixed part drops that are flooding my Craw drops. I get them in multiples in a single drop sometimes. It’s annoying to think they are taking possible rare legendary or even rarer drops. What @billthebetta mentioned as a possibility is hopeful, but isn’t proven. I would hope it would be something like Awesome Level tweaking, but I’m of the impression the new Gearbox Legendary weapons are in Craw’s loot pool which is a shame.


Hold on, you remember my name?

When I first seen them I was kind of excited, but once I realized that they had set parts I was disappointed. And now that sometimes they are the only legendary items that drop from Craw, I am kind of convinced that they are stealing from the loot table. But that being said, there has been times over the weekend where Craw hasn’t dropped any of the new stuff.

Honestly every time I see that sucker punch gun, I feel like I’ve been sucker punched.

I do, indeed!

Yeeeaaaahhhh after doing Craw just now and three of the Gearbox legendaries dropped at once, I’m with those who say they should be taken out of Craw’s drop pool. Or at least toned down a bit. The remaster hasn’t been out even a week yet and those Gearbox guns are becoming annoyingly common heh. Now, they are strong weapons for sure, but… yeah, c’mon. :smiley: Also agree they would be better if they weren’t fixed parts, definitely. Once you’ve got your level 69 Silent Night, you’re done.

Edit: on further reflection, yeah, just take 'em out of Craw’s pool period. Those guns show up often and somewhat easily enough already in other places (they’re in Skagzilla’s pool now too, but at a much more reasonable drop rate) if you want a new one that’s not a level 0 fresh-character starter gun. It’s a bit of overkill IMO having them in Craw’s pool.


Hey Tante, nice to see you around again! Hope all is well. I’m glad some familiar faces are coming back around!