Why is this section now between Claptrap and Jack?

Instead of where it was before, right after general discussion?
bug ?
deliberate move ?

Random is random.


Because RNGesus said so. Don’t question him.

Yeah its weird.

Looks like the messed up spawns hit the forums too.

Who made RNGesus a moderator? Oh wait… I cannot question it lol

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Seems to be an issue with subcategory positioning across categories. When you move one, the other shifts, like some sort of wacky scale. Investigating now.


Ooooh. Gearbox posts are legendary color!

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But we can’t loot them :<

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You the man, @Jeffybug .

Any particular reason for the Combee?

@jianderson – I tend to be attracted to the most violent and dangerous of creatures.

Haha! I see now. It’s also quite… cute, disarming for anyone trying to go after ya.