I was wondering about when are we going to see regular ( monthly ) golden keys from gearbox?
Because not all of us get those 75 keys, despite having other Borderlands games installed and played on PC.
P.S. Post your codes for golden keys if you found a new ones!
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(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
I don’t think there’s ever been a fixed or announced schedule for those. Generally, there’s a code for some whenever there’s a major announcement. Otherwise, the just show up in either @DuvalMagic or the official Gearbox social media feeds.
Yeah, I haven’t seen any announced schedules but, this is a site that tries to keep up with all the keys that get distributed. What is nice is it is all in one place. This link is for Borderlands 2 but, there is also a link for Borderlands: TPS toward the top of the page: http://orcz.com/Borderlands_2:_Golden_Key
From this GamesRadar page…there are codes for all three games, including GOTY Remastered. I just entered the code and got the usual five keys, so yay! - EDIT - some of the codes for the other games are now expired, but some still are valid.
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
There’s an existing thread in the BL3 section for shift codes. Please post there next time (I believe the one you mention is posted there too) - ta muchly!
Yeah, I kinda forgot that I was not in the BL3 forum. didn’t really mean to put it in this thread. I have been in both the BL2 and BL3 forums the last few days. Started replaying some of the BL2 for the heck of it and really enjoying it.