BL Remastered: Why am I still receiving level 3 weapons at level 15?

Seriously? Almost a decade and this still hasn’t been fixed? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

How do your level 3 weapons perform? I bet at least some of them do really well, even against level 15 targets. Because, you know, BL1 loot system…


Haha yes you are right. Its like I have it set at ultra hard. Throw me a lvl 8 tho. :pray:

All weapons are set to level tiers, each of the manufacturers actually have different built in level tiers.

Hyperion Valde = Level 13 - 21
Hyperion Melior = Level 22 - 30
Hyperion Ultra = Level 31 - 39
Hyperion Magnus = Level 40 - 47
Hyperion Optimus = Level 48+

Like so.
It’s not really something to fix, just a little bit of weirdness that you experience while leveling up. But it’s BL1, as VH101 mentioned, having a gun +3 levels old isn’t a problem. Really, what’ll happen while you play through the game is hit a new level tier, and steadily find more quality guns. You have a pretty good stable of accurate and fast-firing guns when BAM.

You find some PoS green machine gun. Terrible accuracy. Butt-tastic RoF. But daaaamn will you look at that massive damage!

Now you’re playing this mental game of “do you want to stick with your amazing fire elemental revolver that you’ve fallen in love with, or use this crappy yet effective machine gun?”

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What do you mean receiving? Quests and their rewareds do not scale to current level and many areas do not scale until later on or end of PT2. It would be nice if they did but they don’t unfortunately.

I’m actually currently playing with level 46 gear at level 69 on my new siren that I power leveled LOL. Works okay for the most part, even killed craw but took longer than expected :smiley:

Not sure who you were replying to, but we were generally talking about drops not rewards?

Have gotten mixed drops from chests and enemies alike and feel that the loot is based on a factored experience level including the area/section which you’re playing in. Additionally, weapon stats as well as character weapon proficiencies along with skill tree buffs ultimately determine weapon effectiveness (kind of obvious). Regardless, I was kind of questioning the lower level drops myself --but, based on personal experience agree with others that a level 3 drop can still maintain relevance pretty well considering the area you’re in among other factors.