So where is Gaige?

Ahh my favorite little murder-bot builder… Gaige was and will always my the main inside my heart. Sadly her absence in the trailer has made me sad. I know she was a popular character, but as a DLC character she is not… required to return or has her story been written out so she has no need/reason to appear?

This is just a general plea and hope that Gaige can still/will make an appearance in BL3! What is everyone else’s thoughts and feelings on Gaige’s fate remaining in limbo for now?


I think they’re saving gaige and axton for a dlc at some point. They were out hunting vaults together in the holodome dlc for pre-sequel, so perhaps we help them.
Additionally, I’m not so beat up about the character omissions because I don’t really want to watch 40 character intros one after another (again), and I think it might detract from the new characters.


Out of the playable characters from BL2 the only ones that might have been present was Zero. I recall seeing someone that could have been him in the background on the short clip with the presumably Atlas guy that had the mechanical arm and Maya. I cant recall seeing anyone in the trailer that resembled Salvador, Axton, Gaige, or Krieg.

They did show Hammerlock’s sister from Pre-Sequel and Claptrap, However I cant immediately recall if Athena was present. We kinda killed the other 2 and theres speculation floating about that the operative may actually be the doppleganger of jack used in the pre-sequel though there isn’t any definite proof. People are basing this off of observed similarities.

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You did kill Jack’s doppleganger in 2 though! But if it was the same one thay played pre-squeal its unclear. But he might be dead as well.


In 2 we killed 1 doppleganger. At that point I recall them saying he had multiple for appearances.

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The same place as Krieg. :frowning:


The only vault hunters from BL2 appearing in the trailer are Maya and Zer0. Axton, Salvador and Krieg are also nowhere to be found, so Gaige isn’t the only one apparently being left out. My guess is some of them will maybe make surprise appearances Gearbox doesn’t wanna spoil too soon. If not, they’ll probably show up on DLC or at least get a mention of some kind.

Also missing from the trailer: Mr. Torgue, Dr. Zed, Athena, Janey Springs and Fiona.

Personally, I really wouldn’t mind even if they don’t appear at all. I don’t think it’s necessary for every single still living character to make an appearance in this game, no matter if they’re a favorite of mine or not. Specially if it makes the story more convoluted than it has to be and they feel shoehorned in. I hope that if we get any cameos and appearances from them that there’s more of a narrative reason for the inclusion than just fan service. No single character is more important than the story and no specific previous vault hunter is more important than any of the others in any way.


Them be fighting words! Gaige is everything! Gaige is anarchy!

Kidding aside, that is true, but her being my all time hands down fav… I really wish to see her back. The whole Lilith thing annoys me… that she out of all characters is getting so much attention always. Buuut thats just me being hissy over another leading girl hogging the show.

Now what would make me smile is if Gaige get’s her own DLC… even if she goes evil. Us having to fight off her anti hyperion murder-bot army… would be fun! Or as we know it, she would probably have upgraded deathtrap into being something super mecha XD Oh gosh… Just imaging a zoid’s/power ranger moment where multiple Deathtraps combine into perfect Deathtrap and we fight a towering super deathtrap XD Maybe he’s gone out of control and Gaige is asking others help to fix him… by fix she means blow him apart so she can rebuild him!

Oh well daydreaming aside… I truly hope she shows up. I was not a fan of the pre-squeal hunters at all really (though I loved the story aside from them).


she went back to school :man_shrugging:


Only time will tell. maybe they are in the main story or a DLC?

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The father of the girl she killed is going to be one of the minor bad guys. He is funding the Cult and the Calypso Twins. Bank rolling them to hunt down and kill all the Vault Hunters. We will run into Gaige when it comes time to fight this guy on her home planet.


Apparently the original vault hunters are more important than any that have come after. Only death keeps them off the roster. And i’m thinking Sirens might be more important than non sirens. Overall story seems to say that much.


4 DLC’s maybe 1 each for Axton, Gaige, Salvador and Krieg


The missing characters might come back as playable. Gaige with better talent trees is one I definitely would like to see return (she had a lot of weak talents). Fragtrap was a lot of fun too.

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I think she Will return on some DLC as said someone above.

Personally I’m on the side of not wanting everyone to come back. It might be nice to have one or two more NPC’s than shown in the trailer to end up as quest-vendors, but that’s about where I would draw the line.

Leave some room for new characters. Lilith has been too vital of a character for too long in my opinion, and at this point I’m hoping they kill her off so that some of the new characters can have the spotlight instead.


I agree. I’m a huge fan of flying around with an SMG Lilith. Don’t care for get me that eridium Lilith or let’s murder Athena Lilith. I honestly hope her time comes to an end.


I’ll explain what I meant better. I’ve played more than just one character, and who I want to return is in no way related to who I played. My logic is: If we’re going to be playing Borderlands 3, I’d like the main characters to be the characters introduced in Borderlands 3. In my post I was only talking about how Lilith should be killed off because she’s pretty much held the spotlight of the last two games despite not being a playable character in them. As for Gaige- I don’t hope she dies. I hope she’s in the game, but like I said, as a quest vendor or a guide in a DLC. I’m simply against playable characters from the other games returning to BL3 and taking the spotlight from who deserves it most- The new Vault Hunters.


yeah where did gaige go? in the pre sequel the holo dome she was with Axton somewhere

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Probably dead. It had to come to this, pushing Anarchy to point where she shot herself in head by accident.