In bl2 bosses and mini bosses dropped legendaries, but in the first bls they only dropped uniques. Has there been any word with the remaster of bosses such as Nine Toes and Sledge dropping unique legendaries???
Actually they can drop legendary guns like any bandit can. I’ve had the giant bandit guy in the safe house and the destroyer drop orange. But bl1 doesn’t assign legendary drops to any specific source like 2 does (thank god) if they changed that in remaster …idk. I don’t plan on finding out
The only one I know for sure is Skagzilla, who has a good chance to drop the new legendaries in addition to the Elephant Gun. My guess is they simply added a new instance to the loot tables, so you can think of the mechanism is BL1+. I have no complaints about it.
I remember very clearly, like it happened 5 minutes ago, going into the Crimson fastness one day and downing that very first regular Lance guy. He dropped an absolutely perfect ax10 incendiary anaconda. Level 68. Mat3. Nothing I ever found in bl2 ever compared to that moment. That’s just one small example but a very special one to me
Yeah I had what fun I could in 2. Idk tho after awhile it just seemed ridiculous. Freaking 10 digit dmg numbers and whatnot. I do remember getting a CC from the warrior one time and that was fun. A butcher from him too