Each time I make a new character I always look forward to making it through the journey of 1-50 without the use of Golden Keys because you can have your gear fall behind pretty fast if you aren’t careful.
For me I have just always tried to get buy with farming the Sanctuary machines until I get something that isn’t totally pathetic and passable so I can continue on with the story. How about you guys?
Raging GOD-liath’s! They drop some nice stuff. Frostburn Canyon has a lot of candidates. As the Dust opens up, you have several farming options there. It levels up a few times, and that gives you the option to farm some more GOD-liath’s as you progress. Unfortunately, the Dust is bugged in TVHM, and stays at level 37 for the duration of the main story. So, I have to scavenge a bit more in the other areas.
I also make sure to check for loot midgetsd in areas that spawn them. They can drop some really nice things, that can tie you over for a long time.
But sadly, I often find myself wanting by the time I get ready to go to Control Core Angel. For some reason, I can’t seem to get decent corrosive weapons at this stage, so I often end up transfering something from the stash. I’m sure I’ve forgotten something, but that’s basically how I do it.
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Great question btw.
I hoard, hoard, hoard, then hoard some more. I love farming & collecting (and making 2nd profile mules)in both 2 & Tps. I have some nice shiny things I always use when levelling up.
I acquired them with a mixture of farming & luck. As I became more knowledgeable I farmed things I wanted, and to fill gaps. Gettle has had a lot of treatment over the years, at the different levels through nvhm. Even on normal I can’t help but do 5 or 10 or more runs at the LLM in the WEP every time I’m there. I’ve also done the Pirate dlc starting at various levels to get Pimpernels, started Mr Torgue too, to get Harolds & Flakkers, and Dragon Keep to get the items there. I’ve done those dlcs multiple times through nvhm & tvhm to get the items I want at level x.
So, before I had the stuff I have, I just used to farm something until I got it. I overlevelled myself a ton of times, but that’s not a worry in the first two modes.
Great idea with the Godliath I never even thought of that! I love this community.
Thanks BrisbaneGreg it is a question that has always haunted me every since I started making new characters like crazy in 2018-2019 out of the blue. I have just been hooked on this game like a drug and I just have this weird OCD thing about not using any Golden Keys and trying to find on level gear the best way possible in NVHM and TVHM.
UVHM is such a fun mode to me because of how easy it is to get gear. You think it would make sense to start Torgue DLC in TVHM at level 40 to have a nice medium waypoint to get some gear to push you through to 50?