How do you use the Skyrocket?

Many of us joined with the Handsome collection (I did) so have the skyrocket grenade (also known to new players as the “What? I killed myself??? That’s bull***!” grenade).
How do you use it? My use evolved into just two things, I use the Skyrocket to kill Knucledragger fast, and I use it to kill the Big Bertha turret.
Then I dump it in the snow cuz it’s so tricky to use. On rare occasion I’ll carry it forward to Flint’s ship and toss it in the enclosed area right before the Claptrap lift to kill the 5-6 bandits who spawn in there, but that’s risky if I don’t make the toss well, so usually don’t.
Do others carry it further?


I don’t use it personally but always keep it in my bank/vault. A great tool for leveling a new character.
Can be very useful in some specific situation. New characters, “challenge playthrough”. But you already know that right?
Aim low, hope for the best… and yes. Inside and in close quarters with the appropriate cautions.

Other than that. (Leveling up.) Nah. Powerful but doesn’t worth the risk. There’s more appropriate tools out there.


I do. How do I use it you ask? With extreme caution. :smirk:
It depends. In open areas I’ll jump and throw it at a downward angle. When I get it right things, sometimes lots of things, die. When I get it wrong I die. RNGsus at his most simple and elegant.:pray: :grinning: I also use it indoors, just to act contrary to the advice on the item card. Indoors I use it similar to a Rolling Thunder, I chuck it through doorways and down hallways to punctuate my grand entrance. (During leveling one of my favorite uses is Mad Mike. And if I was trying a 1 life run I probably would try to stay away from it.)

Now, if you’re interested in some real mayhem, just give it to a Sal with Double Your Fun. :smirk: :grin:


I’ll second the jump and throw, it will get you some time to get the angle but once you do it will curve right to the bandits face :smile:.


I mostly use it in interiors - toss it through a doorway into the next area, and jump back. Useful for the animal pens in the WEP buildings, Southpaw, Bloodshot Stronghold, etc.

It’s based on the ‘rain’ series of grenades in BL1 in terms of mechanic.


Oh, and I should have titled this “When do you use…”. I understand the mechanic of the grenade, just dump it soon cuz it’s so troublesome.


I try to make a point of leaning on it as much as possible for new characters (because it caps at 72, I abandon it in the OP levels).

Large bosses are perfect for this : Slappy, Tinder, Wilhelm, Bunker, Warrior.

Bloodshot and Southpaw of course but anywhere I can bounce it off a ceiling. Say the last batch of bandits you get to before Flynt.

I just look for as many places as I can because it’s so powerful. And awesome.


Annnnnd I just killed myself with it again at Big Bertha, aimed a hair too low and it caught on the debris in front of the cannon and bounced back at me. Sigh.