I’ve been bringing up a siren the last few days and just finished WEP in TVHM. The BW fight was one of the most frustrating I have yet to encounter in the game. I’ve done BW a lot of times, with different classes, but I have never seen this glitch before. Searching the forum I saw where someone had it in UVHM with Maya back in 2015. My experience was almost the same as his.
I was 2 levels below BW and so it was not going to be a fast kill, but not hard to do. I can survive long enough to get it done. Or at least that’s what I thought.
In her first fire phase I got her health half way down. As expected when she changed elements, her health came back to 3/4 full. After a couple changes I got her health down to what appeared to be “0”. Instead of going to the ground, she rose up, changed elements and put me into FFYL. With nothing to shoot but her, I died. Man I was pissed. This happened 3 times! The fourth time I was in FFYL when I took her health to “0” and she collapsed on the ground in the expected fashion, but I did not get a second wind from it.
I don’t know if it matters, but I’m on XB 1, THJC. Based on prior experience playing BL2 on another platform, I’ve seen more odd behavior on the XB and this is another example of it.