His ending skills aren’t that great, especially compared to other VHs
his other skills, some of them are really good of course
so is this like a thing? Basically skills in all 3 trees but none to the end
His ending skills aren’t that great, especially compared to other VHs
his other skills, some of them are really good of course
so is this like a thing? Basically skills in all 3 trees but none to the end
Yes, the standard deputy build doesn’t use any of the capstones.
Right, NKLO sucks so bad … kappa
Come at Me Bro is definitely a weak capstone. Most Brawn builds include it because you’re there anyways - and it has its place.
Keep Firing is great for guns like Hyperion, Vladof and Bandit. But obviously useless for Jakobs (therefore not included in Deputy).
No Kill Like Overkill can be insanely overpowered. It’s one of those “Sal is broken” skills. He doesn’t need it for normal mobbing but would definitely take it for raids, arenas and the Peak.
You can do just fine without any of them, but most builds get you close to one of those capstones, so in most cases it would be silly not to.
Yup though so. Deputy Sal eh? Heh nice
For the cost of one single point (and down a Skill Tree containing what is arguably the most overpowered skill in the entire game : Money Shot), this absolute ■■■■■■■■ skill multiplies all Gun Damage by up to 5. Just this is enough to make it the single most OP capstone, here is a good example of it in practice :
However, the true reason why it’s such a ridiculously OP skill is because it multiplies Money Shot, leading to batshit crazy numbers matched by absolutely nothing in the game (except Bloodsplosion but that’s WAY harder to pull off and even harder to effectively exploit).
Here is an experiment to show you how ridiculous Salvador can get with it :
Let’s assume we have a gun that deals 100 Base Damage, and the only damage-altering skills we have are No Kill Like Overkill and Money Shot.
In other words, Salvador is able to multiply Gun Damage by 3169.8 (1056.6 with a Grog Nozzle in off-hand) just because of how No Kill Like Overkill works (and how broken off-hand mechanics are partially). And that’s not even counting Elemental Multipliers, other skills that could influence Gun Damage, or gear except for the Class Mod.
In conclusion : Salvador’s capstones are actually pretty amazing. NKLO is tremendously overpowered, Keep Firing on automatic weapons is a massive boost that only requires you to hold left click, and Come At Me Bro makes Salvador very tough to kill.
CAMB is a great skill. Instantly restoring all of his HP and of course giving him tremendous defenses, which I feel is similar to the way Krieg used RtB with a BloodRust stack of over 70 in 10/5 Taste of Blood.
And the high level of utilization of this skill is when YKY and Get Some of 5/5 are held but short interval occurs before the next Gunzerking time.
CAMB guarantees the survivability of Sal that can be weakened in that short moment.
And this is something I have not yet confirmed. However, let me say, the CAMB is X2 stacked by using it at the end of gunzerking and at the beginning of the next gunzerking. The thing I have not confirmed is, if it works as double.
This is one of the few of my uploads that combines Keep Firing and CAMB.
Don’t mind me nitpicking here…
I went out of bed to sit at the keyboard to answer you.
Something is wrong. It seems to be the same reason that my view changed once.
I think your calculation is right and it should be. The two cases that seem to fit that calculation are the difference between Krieg’s damage at 29:54 on the video below and the damage Sal receives from 09:43 on the video @Enderborn1 introduced above.
My first guess was made by the damage I felt when the two characters were hit by a number of Ultimate Badass Fire Archer’s arrows in their particular state.
So I’m a bit confused. My first guess, second guess, and your exact calculation, each of these three cases seems to fit each situation.
I wonder if the reason I am confused is that I may misunderstand my experience.
And I thank you for your detailed and accurate explanation. (I needed that)
P.S: I want to link videos in the way Enderborn1 did as anyone does(I can not…), is there any kind and handsome person here?
123rd Edit: O.K. No handsome one today. I go back to bed…
124th Edit: I walked out of bed again. I lay down and suddenly I felt like this. It was an inference that CAMB would start to resist the damage from when Sal grabbed his two fingers and held the guns in both hands again.
If so, the difference between my misunderstanding and the exact calculation seems to be explained. My first one was just nothing…
I think I have to believe that this correct one. That way I can sleep comfortably.
It’s kinda hard to compare damage resistance with all the action happening (I was also confused about your confusion). If you really want to, you could compare the damage from a surveyor’s shock bolt for more consistency.
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