Gettle without Mobly

Over the years I’ve occasionally had Gettle spawn with Mobly not appearing first, usually when farming Lyudas.

Twice this week though (once on Xbox One, once on mac Steam) it’s happened during the The Good, the Bad, and the Mordecai.
I show up in front of the church, uncover the chest,and instead of having Mobly pop out the door and greet me, he doesn’t show.
But Gettle drops in. No dialog at all, Gettle stares at me for a bit then becomes aggressive and I finish him off. Pause. Nothing happens, the quest does not advance to the chest being opened.
After about 15 seconds of running around the tombstones, Mobly will pop out. Again, no dialog, he’s just mad at me and I finish him off.
At that point the quest progresses and I can get the loot.
Nothing unusual about these two runs, I execute them the same way I have a hundred times before, technical jump up then search the grave.
Doesn’t hang me like some other glitches that happen when you go too fast for the scripting system so it’s not a problem, just interesting. Anyone else see this?


I have not seen this, but all of the Verucs I’ve gotten and subsequently vendored while trying for Lyudas would probably rejoice in the corner of Marcus’s storeroom where they’ve been gathering dust since I learned about farming. :grin:


I just counted, and I’ve currently got 386 Lyudas saved in backpack characters (across 4 platforms, Xbox, PS4, Mac Steam and Mac non-Steam), that doesn’t count the ones I’ve sold (slag lyuda prior to UVHM for example). My goal being to have every variant in every level possible ( with Dust scaling as is does, of course, so hard to get some of the in-between level ones).

So clearly I have a bit of affinity for farming too. Or, maybe, a problem.


Don’t we all. Welcome to Vaulthunters Anonymous. Coffee in the back, donuts are welcome.


Holy Crapola …

Since that post I’ve accumulated 14 more Lyudas, 3 more pimps, and a bunch of other random legendaries and neat COMMs and relics. And spun up 2 more backpack characters for more room.

I do not have a hoarding problem, really.