A lot of you know this already as I posted it elsewhere, but I was shocked that I wasn’t aware of this…and that no one else was either.
The Bad Touch is only available once per character but I happened on this video by Joltz that explains how you can get unlimited Bad Touches :
Short version :
- Tip Moxxi (in $100’s - it’s based on random clicks, not dollar amount) until she holds the BT out for you.
- DON’T take it.
- Run to the Fast Travel , go anywhere and come back.
- When you return, the BT will be floating above the bar.
- The game has basically “forgotten” about it so it won’t count. You can go ahead and tip her again without save/quit which means you can build up a stack of them :
I’m not sure if the BT levels with your character in Normal & True or with Sanctuary ; either way, you can get a new one every few levels. Regardless, there’s no way to trick the game into getting the Good Touch (fire) without accepting the BT, thereby closing off the possibility of future BTs.