Vengeance Cannon + Glitched Yellow effect

Yep. Imagine it with a Prismatic Bulwark + Master Blaster mod


wow that is impressive

I like how after the initial burst, Wilhelm says “At least TRY!”.

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I’d prefer Scorcher over Blaster for this because of the elemental boost. Unless the 33% recoil reduction from Gun Show helps more.

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Haven’t used a scorcher com since leveling, Is the incendiary damage worth trading in the constant 20+% Fire rate from blaster com?

I’d say yes if you’re using incendiary lasers, and no if you aren’t.

It’s back and forth for me between Fire and Shock,
I find that if I feel like aiming (getting crits) I kill much faster with my fire tediore splitter, but sometimes I just go F-it use shock paint & let the VC melt enemies.

Alright I need to start playing this character.

Check, please.

From what I’ve seen the yellow glitch only works on railguns. I’ve tried the other laser barrels as well as most snipers and shotguns and it didn’t work on them.

Not sure about the other three glitches though.

i did some further testing with other guns or manufacturers (known so far) with the Yellow glitch effect of SHORT BURST instead of the Endless Burst effect with the lowest Fire Rate (as possible) and with trigger shot like Jakobs or Dahl

and thus so far… Railgun overall wins, hands down, nuff’ said!
Hyperion Body+Grip+Barrel
Dahl Body+Grip + Hyperion Barrel
Maliwan Body+Grip + Hyperion Barrel
what’s good about is that it have a huge magz size that you can trigger or pull off 3-4 burst shot = 4 Vengeance Cannon
and imo best glitch code will be… 1st 00L4M2A1, and 2nd 00L4M0A4, as im encountering the yellow glitch more on those 2 codes

combine this with a Tediore Inflammable Quick/Instant Shield is just bat-sh*t-bananas, even a low minimum level 25 of the shield will do the trick, then combined with Heatsinks, Divert Power, Energize to make it overkill, want quick access to Vengeance Cannon then strip your own shield with your own grenade lol

UVHM Level 70+ Raid Sentinel just got vaporized instantly

good find phillipseiffert

This must be how Wilhelm solo’d the OG vault hunters at New Haven

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to make everything to be more easy and chaos…

from wiki…
The glitch color code in weapon layout is chosen when you pick one of the four robots who pester you for five dollars at the begining of the Nexus. This sticks for the entirety of the difficulty you picked. It is reset when the adventure (UVHM) is reset.

so just pay the $5 on the YELLOW BOT that was pestering you on the start of the nexus, and tested NO it doesn’t give you permanent yellow glitch effect but a more higher proc chance to get it


Check out the nisha thread this glitch works with any character now! The permanent glitch effect on other guns part.

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[quote=“TECHiSOBA, post:13, topic:184098, full:true”]
to make everything to be more easy and chaos…

from wiki…
The glitch color code in weapon layout is chosen when you pick one of the four robots who pester you for five dollars at the begining of the Nexus. This sticks for the entirety of the difficulty you picked. It is reset when the adventure (UVHM) is reset.

so just pay the $5 on the YELLOW BOT that was pestering you on the start of the nexus, and tested NO it doesn’t give you permanent yellow glitch effect but a more higher proc chance to get it
[/quote]Thanks Tech…great advice!

Actually, how can you give them 5$? I only can talk to them.

That video is fantastic

Why does the Railgun cease firing again ?

I’m pretty sure someone just threw that in there…don’t take that as fact. Remember that the wiki is just a source like these forums are. Not managed by devs.

omfg Atro lives! where have u been dood!?

and yeah i know i or we or all of us cant really rely and trust the Wiki that much, i did test and NO it doesn’t give you permanent but from further testing i noticed im procing more the yellow glitch more than before, 2-3x yellow glitch in a row after reload