I’ve recently been playing through the main story again and there’s a part of the Bloodwing mission that I have a question about.
At the start of the map, after the stalkers, you are faced with a bunch of Loaders. Mordecai instructs you to wound them so that they’ll send reinforcements and you can gain entry.
Everytime I get to this point I get frustrated. I eventually get in, not really sure how, but I do.
How are you supposed to wound them?
I shoot their arms off, but that doesn’t mark them as wounded on my HUD. I had 3 armless loaders eye-beaming me and the counter still shows 0. Sometimes it goes to 1 then back to 0. This goes on for some time and I just start killing them…Mordecai bitches at me about killing them. Somehow at some point the counter goes up and I get in. I just don’t know what I did.
Is there a more effective way to wound them?