Salvador Question

For the first time I am playing Salvador and currently at Level 25. Over the past few days I have been killed regularly by something I wasn’t expecting. When I Gunzerk (with two pistols) the guns regularly stop working leaving me defenceless. After a bit of experimentation I find that they are not automatically reloading. Having to press ‘R’ repeatedly to reload is the last thing I want in mid combat. Is there a skill or relic that would give Salvador the automatic reload capability whilst Gunzerking? Due to this I am finding the only benefit in Gunzerking is getting my health bar refilled. For reference my skill tree is only in Rampage and the pistols are a slag Surfeit Umbrage and a DPUH.


Moved you to the right spot. What you are describing is a well-known bug, so I’m also interested to hear how folks work around it!


Press R, and reload! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: What else are you gonna do?


@knighm, may I make a guess. You’re specced into Inconceivable, aren’t you? (I ask because it’s the only context in which I’ve ever experienced this.) Is this happening when you get multiple procs of Inconceivable on the last round in a clip and stop firing? If that’s what it is the solution is to fire until Inconceivable stops proccing and the reload animation kicks, or just not to spec Inconceivable. If not I’m at a loss. I know this conversation was had by myself, @Jefe and @Kurtdawg13 a while ago, and that was what we all agreed on. But if anyone knows for sure it’s @DeputyChuck, he’s the endless compendium of Sal knowledge around these parts. :slight_smile:


In the words of the badass dudes in Robolution, “Come with me if you want to die”


Paulo has it right

The empty gun thing happens when you stop shooting while inconceivable is active. Since the gun can still shoot, it skips the reload proc. When you let go the point at which it would proc is passed.

The solution is to not let go of the trigger at all :slight_smile:


Agreed with OP that this can be an annoying glitch, and also agreed that the only solution is just - remember to reload!

To address the other points discussed though, I am unclear on whether this “no-reload” glitch happens when Inconceivable procs alone and you go into FFYL or stop shooting, or whether it happens when Inconceivable procs in conjunction with Money Shot, and then you go into FFYL or stop shooting. Chuck, did you guys test this? My experience tells me that both have to proc at the same time to trigger this glitch, but I have not done any definitive testing myself.


All I know is, I’ve had it happen to me many times without going into FFYL at all (usually because at least one gun is still firing and I noticed the other one soon enough to reload.)


No - this is solely a mechanic of Inconceivable. I found this out the hard way when I was leveling up my Jakobs Sal. It would happen even before I spec’d Money Shot , and would certainly happen mid-combat (that is, not in FFYL).

If you want to test it, try any Jakobs shotgun - as obviously you can’t hold down the trigger.


Only time I have ever had it happen was when I either went down during an Inconceivable “chain” proc and I was also out of ammo, or when I stopped shooting during an Inconceivable chain proc. There really aren’t any times when I have spec’ed Inconceivable without Money Shot (maybe during leveling?), so I guess I just assumed the glitch required both. Thanks for the info.


I think @DeputyChuck should probably note this in his skill guide, since it’s common enough to trip up the unwary (and I always forget about it if I haven’t played Sal for a while).


Done :slight_smile:


You mean Salvador can actually let go of a trigger?! Inconceivable! I refuse to believe it. :slight_smile: