Ammo in Pre-sequel

Borderlands 2 did a better of this than than than pre-sequel IMO. That is replenishing your ammo reserves when you run low. The issue is mitigated by all the ammo machines in most of the maps and the map size themselves, however in the holodome I rarely ever got supplied appropriately. I run low on shotgun, i open ammo crate for shotgun ammo, it gives me assault rifle and pistol which were never touched. Also enemies seem to not drop as much ammo anymore either.
I do main as Nisha, but this is an issue i’ve noticed on any character that can get annoying after a while especially during the holodome as now i spend 30% of it searching for enemies, 50% finding ammo, and the remaining 20% actually shooting stuff.
So is this something you guys go through too? If so what are your thoughts on it because for it is just very annoying to get an ammo type i haven’t even touched instead of one i need.

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I had to punch and buttslam my way though the last wave of round 4.


Idk, only had time for one round so far. And fell in the hole after killing knuckle. Just started uvhm too. So my clappy now has 3 nukems…

I feel like they probably tried to balance combat around the fact that buttslam exists. It takes the place of relics and thus introduces another “weapon” that’s essentially ammoless if you aren’t in a vacuum. It’s sorta understandable that they would “nerf” ammo to make up for it.

Not saying I like it either, since I almost always forget I even have the option. But if this is intentional I would most likely believe this to be the reason.

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That does make sense however if so i don’t feel buttslams are powerfull enough to balance that out entirely.
As it is the way i get through it is to use a cryo Oz kit and freeze the tougher enemies so i can crit them, but not even that is enough.

Yeah, it doesn’t seem to generate ammo based on what you use anymore. With 0 grenades on me I had to open like 5 ammo crates before I got even 1 grenade.

The exact same thing happened to me, but it was so much more difficult for no logical reason.

I think it may actually give you what you don’t want. (Or at least that’s the only thing you notice) :triumph:
I like playing as jack sometimes, and when I do I always spec into just compensation and jacks cache. then I throw all my nades away except one. Wouldn’t you know it, EVERY damn enemy drops nades for me to auto pick up with all the rest of the ammo & every other chest has at least 2 of them.
On my other characters… crickets…

Also is it just me or if you spec for $ is power, all of a sudden Eddie oz kit tends to NOT drop cash as much when you kill stuff.

I think BL1 had it right pertaining to what type of ammo should contain in the crate. When I had a fully decked CR/MG loadout, the game would give me the right ammo type most of the time even if I’m not running dangerously low on ammo.

In BL2 and TPS given a similar loadout of mostly AR, the game gives me various ammo types of guns not even in my loadout slots.

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This seems to be my experience as well with the three games respectively. In BL2 & TPS, it certainly feels like it’s more random, with no relationship to your current load out.

@S4B3R_4SS4SS1N are you using more than one shotgun in your four slots? My advice is to use other weapon types for your three other slots when in the holodome. Also remember Nisha’s insane ammo consumption rate too.

It still “knows” what you’re short on, it just seems to have the probabilities tweaked down, or otherwise messed with somehow.

Sometimes I’ll open a crate and find four of what I need, then the next crate has stuff I never use.

I do. Even then i still end up scrounging for ammo for at least 3 of them. one completely out of ammo, and the other two on their 10% of ammo. I just always use a shotgun and a laser at least because those refill quickly even if you only find 2 or 3 cartridges of ammo.

Borderlands ammo was definitely weighted to give you what you were using, BL2 had that… sorta. It seemed like in BL2 if you were at half ammo or less you found more of that specific kind of ammo but in TPS I can literally search all the ammo crates on a map and not find the ammo I need. It’s almost as if the game is weighted to not give you the ammo you’re using. This happens to me all the time in this game with every character and out of the friends I have that still play this game, a lot of them have noticed this phenomenon too.

I’ve gone 10 minutes just exploring crates and lockers to find ammo for my weapon/weapons and I won’t find any of the types I need at all sometimes. I have to restart the game in order to start finding the ammo I need. :confused:

BL2 is actually weighted towards what you have equipped. Aether Seraph demonstrated this in one of his “A Dangerous Method” videos; equipping 4 snipers, he got mostly sniper ammo.

I usually roll with three shotties and a laser; I don’t use much ammo but I would say there is a good deal of shotgun ammo around when I do loot.

Shotguns and lasers are the two weapon types that are the easiest to refill as you can pick up 4 or 5 cartridges and you have at least 30% ammo back if not more.

Yes,lasers are really easy to refill.Lasers refill 75 bullets per pickup while SMGs (weapons with similar max ammo count) refill only 32 per pickup

Lasers are 50 each

I’m pretty sure it’s 75 too

Maybe it is. Must have disremembered.

That’s funny because in the shops laser ammo is only 25 per cartridge, yet when you pick it up it is 75 ammo per catridge. lol save your money and refill of the world.