So I’ve reset UVHM and now I can farm the Maggie. The only other Maggie I’ve had was from the train and it was a Loaded w/ Vladof grip. Not the best, but I still loved it.
My question is what is the best prefix for Zer0? I know this may be up to personal preference. My research so far indicate that I want either the Dastardly or the Trick Shot.
So far I’ve gotten the following: Bowie/Jakobs grip, Trick Shot/Jakobs grip, Two Fer/Jakobs grip, and Dastardly/Hyperion grip. Yeah, I’ve killed Mr Zafford a couple times.
I see alot of folks downright hate the Two Fer. I will admit it seems less accurate, but it still kills stuff pretty easily. It does have some recoil, but it’s definitely not unusable.
The Dastardly and Trick Shot seem to be the favorites. My Dastardly having a Hyperion grip reports the least damage on it’s card. I’m assuming if it had a Jakobs grip it would report the most damage?
The Trick Shot is what I’m currently rolling with and it seems to tear stuff up. Especially if I toss a singularity nade in the middle of a group of enemies. The BORE effect is very strong.
I guess my question is should I farm for a Dastardly w/ Jakobs grip or stick with the Trick Shot?
It’s an easy farm, and kinda fun too. ( I do miss killing the Hodunks, but I’ve got a solution in progress for that). And, is there some sort of unlisted bonus on the Dastardly or does it show the least damage because of the Hyperion grip?