Badassasaurus is killing me (help?)

I’ve literally gone from 1.5 million to 55k fighting this. I know I was able to kill him by hiding behind the wall as Salvador but with Maya this tactic seems to fail every time. His lasers hit me a gives me a insta kill. This is with a shield extending in both perk and class.

It appears to me the glitch is either patched or Salvador can do it because he is smaller than the other vault hunters.

I am currently level 61, I have a bee shield and adaptive shield neither one bring me any luck in this fight. He is impossible to run away from and nothing but those stupid nukes can revive me from being downed.

Any suggestions on this would be great. Worst boss design ever. I hope the person that made this stupid boss is fired. (not serious but sorta serious).

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try not standing still.


I think you mean the homing missiles and nukes. And yes, both can hit you hard if you’re just trying to duck behind the wall - you actually need to crouch and retreat back under the door (possibly around the corner) to fully avoid those. The nukes you can take out before they hit you if you’re quick enough and a decent shot.

Remember that all shiny surfaces on BARex reflect regular bullets. You need to target the barrels on the body and take those out (which takes out some of the attack forms). You can use homing slag or corrosive grenades (pandemic, transfusion, etc.). Pure explosive guns are generally good, along with the Stinkpot and certain other pure splash damage weapons. Just make sure you’re not hitting the barrier or door frame or you’ll take self-inflicted damage. You can also fire corrosive rounds into the ports on the front that the nukes fire from if you’re quick and accurate enough.

And, as @Poisonedbite said, don’t remain in one spot. With the right build/gear it’s possible to take out BARex from within the arena, but it’s tricky. If you want to try that with Maya, posting your build (use this link) and gear would help.

Edit: moved you to the right section of the forums.


what guns did you use?

For this fight i wear a Bee and use a Harold or a Hail. Just circled the map (continuously jump while your doing it), healthgate with a Grog (Chain Lightning or Cloud Kill Proc) when needed and when your bee is up keep firing at it.

He will be down in no time.

Something like this.


I am a lvl 61 siren, Hard Unkept Harold (59), Snyper Badaboom (55), Therapeutic Adaptive Shield (59), I’ve got a bee shield at lvl 59 but doesn’t seem to be much use considering the power this BRex has.

Guarded Warder (+ 22522 shield) with a +5 to Ward skill, Skin of the ancients (+ 23% resistance to fire/shock, +28% shield capacity).

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At your level, I’d suggest something more like this.


No Cloud Kill?


5/5 in quicken and wreck is more important.

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sadly though, you cannot trigger wreck on the t-rex fight.


A KerBlaster used to be my go-to anti-BARex gun (pure splash, so no reflection… plus those grenades it hatches) but a corrosive Hail has taken that spot. He’s weak to corrosive, the arcing Hail projectiles don’t seem to bounce back your way often, plus healing to boot to keep your health topped off. It melts him fast (pair it up with a corrosive Bone or artifact for extra melty.)


hmmm. I’ve never mained Maya, past the one runthrough to OP8. Which was years ago. Bur i figured he still took the phaselock tick damage even if he wasn’t lifted.

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I thought BARex took at least the initial burst damage too, although as I remember it doesn’t really have much of an effect (maybe more so on the barrels though?)

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That is correct for the phaselock damage and helios but for wreck no. I checked this and the heads up display doesn’t show the wreck skill graphic.


I just went and looked at the Wreck definition - I think I was thinking of something else. Does Ruin trigger on the initial phaselock burst, or only as an AoE DoT during actual suspension of a target?

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Yes ruin triggers it. But wreck, chain reaction, some healing skills does not.

Thanks guys, gonna try it again with respecs, bee shield and running around the arena like a methed out siren. I got him down about 2/5ths of his life but those stupid lasers are whats getting me insta killed. I’d totally expect the nuclear missiles to kill me instantly but weirdly enough they don’t.

Correction down to 2/5ths of his life.

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Don’t remember lasers but I do remember heat-seeking or homing missiles. You should be able to either shoot those down incoming, or dodge around behind the door in the entrance way to avoid them. Just don’t back up too far or you’ll reset BARex’s health bar.

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If your on pc I can help.


I appreciate the offer man but I am on a playsatan. Thanks anyway.

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Got him, ironically the suggestion of “move” even if it was done in sarcasm ended up being the best advice. I ran in a circle by the gate, peaked in fired 2 shots ran back out. Took awhile but I did beat him.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys.