[Build] Mister Freeze 2.0! Now with 200% MORE ICE PUNS! [Updated Level 70 8/11/15]

"You’re not sending ME to the COOLER!"

Hello there, ice to meet you! My name is Ganza, and I’d like to introduce you to a pretty cool build that I’ve been working on designed for chilling out with your Multiplayer Friends! This was originally a multiplayer support build based around letting your teammates be the cool guys getting the kills, while you froze everything you could around you! However, with the addition of two level caps and additional skill points, this build has now become a hybrid combination build that works solo or multiplayer!

You’ll be putting enemies on the ice so much, they’ll want revenge! Just remember, that revenge is a dish best served cold!

I’d like to thank Days (Twitch) for helping me polish off the raw concept for this build, and assisting with playtesting.

This build was originally penned and posted on the old Gearbox Software Forums in October/November of 2014, and previously relied on the Cryo-Terminator class mod as a +6 boost to Cold War. However, due to more and more analysis on the Cold War skill here on the forums, coupled with the introduction of the Holodome and the Chronicler of Elpis Class Mod series, the Cryo-Terminator class mod is now outclassed by the new DLC class mod.

The build:

Insert Video Here Later Ganza :grin:

This level 70 version of the original Mister Freeze takes advantage of the extra skill points and allows you to have the KO Punch, while still being able to spec all the way down the Dreadnought tree and gain Overcharge. Previously at level 50, we had to give the cold shoulder to one or the other and the build had to sacrifice the KO Punch for Overcharge for Multiplayer support. Now that we have additional skillpoints we can have both, making this into a hybrid build, and it feels so n(ice).

Afterburner (5/5) - Wolf Air Speed +30%, Reload Speed +25%, Projectile Speed +25%
Fire Support (5/5) - Weapon Damage +15%, Wolf Damage +25%
Laser Guided (1/1) - Paints target, increase damage on Painted Target +25%, Wolf/Saint Duration on Kill +5 sec
Rolling Thunder (7/5) - While Wolf is active, Wolf Damage +14%/Stack, Stack interval 5 sec (+4 CoE COM)
Kill Switch (1/1) - Wolf’s Death Explosive Divebomb, “The Divine Wind blows up!”
Scramble (1/5) - Upon Wolf’s destruction, replaced once for free w/ +30% deploy time
Cold War (5/5) - +25% Freeze Chance on DOT, Cryo Weapon Freeze Chance +10%
Escalation (6/5) - Critical Hit Dmg +30%, Cooldown Reduction +3.6% sec/on Crit. Cooldown of 6 sec (+4 CoE COM)

Man and Machine (5/5) - +15% Shield Capacity, Max Health, Wolf Shield Capacity, Wolf Max Health
Targeting Scope (5/5) - Kill Skill, On kill +50% Crit Dmg., +25% Accuracy
Power Fist (1/1) - THE KO PUNCHER! 12 sec. cooldown
Shock Absorbers (1/1) - You can shoot while sprinting.
Divert Power (5/5) - When shields are depleted & health is below 30%, taking damage gives massive shield regeneration (100%) and damage resistance (83.3%). (+4 CoE COM)
Emergency Response (9/5) - When shields are depleted, +50% Reload Speed and Fire Rate, +90% Wolf Fire Rate. (+4 CoE COM)
Welcome to the Gun Show (4/5) - +12% Weapon Damage/Mag Size, +11% Reload Speed/Accuracy/Recoil Reduction

Auxilliary Tanks (5/5) - Wolf/Saint Duration +10 sec, Cooldown rate +15%
Fortify (5/5) - Player and Wolf Max Health +15%, 20% Gun Dmg while Saint is active
Energize (5/5) - Occasionally restores 40% of shield capacity for party, Saint regens 3.0% Max Health/sec
Termination Protocols (1/1) - “I absolutely will not stop ever until you are dead!”
Hazmat Containment System (5/5) - Status effect on Wilhelm means party gains +50% resist to that element. Spreads status effect to nearby enemies.
Overcharge (1/1) - Saint Ability for Party: Movement Speed +15%, Reload Speed +75%, Ammo Regen +1.0, Duration 10 sec

"But Ganza, what about if I’m still Level 50?! I don’t have a Chronicler of Elpis!?!?"

Don’t cryo about it too much, I have two vanilla level cap variations that can crack the ice and make your enemies say “SNOW WAY!”:

Single Player (The Knockout Puncher!) LEVEL 50

The original concept for the build and the crafting behind it was thought of with multiplayer as a top priority; but with some tweaking we can make a viable build that emphasizes the ice element and shattering mobs to pieces. The single player version of this build involves removing points from both left and right trees and adding 11 points to go down the middle and getting Power Fist. Along the way we pick up Man and Machine for shield capacity and the gun damage from First to Fight. The playstyle usually ends up starting as Medium-range, then getting in close quarters on frozen targets for the KO shatter.[URL="http://thepresequel.com/Wilhelm/550013115200550100000055201000000"]Skill tree is here.[/URL]

Multiplayer (The Iceman Cometh) LEVEL 50

This is a support build based around buffing your teammates, painting and freezing major targets around the battlefield. Your job in a multiplayer game is NOT to really get kills, but to support your team by freezing mobs and allowing the team support skills like Overcharge and Hazmat Containment System to take more of a priority. Don’t forget to be a dear and reapply Laser Guided when an enemy dies! Also, if you’re in-transition from an area that has no mobs or walking a long distance without any targets, be sure to pop the action skill once to proc Overcharge for the team ammo regen, then recall Wolf and Saint to have them getting ready for the next battle. Be warned when utilizing Energize in a team with a melee user as they may give you a cold look when their roid shield gets recharged, but if you are running with a Melee/Roid user, just put those points into an alternative skill such as Heatsinks. I put the last four points that I had remaining into Escalation for cooldown reduction, hence reaching the buffs from Overcharge faster, rather than sparing the one point for the damage from Omega.

Skill Tree - http://thepresequel.com/Wilhelm/550013115400000000000055501005001

Afterburner (5/5) - Wolf Air Speed +30%, Reload Speed +25%, Projectile Speed +25%
Fire Support (5/5) - Weapon Damage +15%, Wolf Damage +25%
Laser Guided (1/1) - Paints target, increase damage on Painted Target +25%, Wolf/Saint Duration on Kill +5 sec
Rolling Thunder (3/5) - While Wolf is active, Wolf Damage +6%/Stack, Stack interval 5 sec
Kill Switch (1/1) - Wolf’s Death Explosive Divebomb, “The Divine Wind blows up!”
Scramble (1/5) - Upon Wolf’s destruction, replaced once for free w/ +30% deploy time
Cold War (5/5) - For base 5/5, Plus 25% Freeze Chance on DOT, Cryo Weapon Freeze Chance +10% (Buffed by +6 COM)
Escalation (4/5) - Critical Hit Dmg +20%, Cooldown Reduction +2.4% sec/on Crit. Cooldown of 6 sec

Auxilliary Tanks (5/5) - Wolf/Saint Duration +10 sec, Cooldown rate +15%
Fortify (5/5) - For base 5/5, Player and Wolf Max Health +15%, 20% Gun Dmg while Saint is active (Buffed by +5 COM)
Energize (5/5) - Occasionally restores 40% of shield capacity for party, Saint regens 3.0% Max Health/sec
Termination Protocols (1/1) - “I absolutely will not stop ever until you are dead!”
Hazmat Containment System - Status effect on Wilhelm means party gains +50% resist to that element. Spreads status effect to nearby enemies.
Overcharge (1/1) - Saint Ability for Party: Movement Speed +15%, Reload Speed +75%, Ammo Regen +1.0, Duration 10 sec

Class Mod:
+Shield Capacity
+Mag Size
+6 Cold War
+5 Fortify

Weapons to try out:
Current Ice Weapons in-slot:
Fridgia - An amazing Dahl cryo SMG with a very high chance to freeze (30%). This thing is your primary icebringer; chilling out and stopping enemies in their tracks, while retaining very respectable accuracy while hipfiring (This is basically an Ice Lascaux). Definitely a COOL gun!
Expandable Focus Group - A standard Triple Barrel Hyperion Shotgun with an ice element. Although the chance to freeze is low, the increase from Cold War helps a tad and this thing can freeze large targets rather easily. Also, it has a good amount of raw damage as well, making this a close quarters monster.
Lazlo’s Freezeasy - Although a low base damage, this laser has a higher than average freeze chance and is the perfect all-purpose ice laser. Drops from Lazlo in Veins of Helios.

Additional Ice Weapon Suggestions:
Fatale - An alternative legendary SMG that is basically a Cryo Bitch. More emphasis on damage with this gun when using this build as the percent freeze chance isn’t as good as Fridgia/Freezeasy, but still a good weapon to have in slot/backpack nonetheless.
Rosie - When you need to deal universal damage, nothing can ever top the Rosie. WITHOUT relying on this weapon too much, this is a good weapon to pull out if you are in a bad situation and need to do damage or for a second wind during Termination Protocols.

Non-Ice Weapons in slot:
Miss Moxxi’s Vibra-pulse - Not quite sure if Moxxi’s Toy Chest is intended to respawn at certain times, but it is possible to see this chest appear during the endgame inside the Up Over Bar. Regardless, a level 50 version of this is an awesome laser that has a tiny healing percentage, always comes in shock and is great for proccing Cold War off shock DOTs.
88 Fragnum - A decent explosive sidearm to help deal with those cryo-resistant enemies. Also shooting this at a frozen enemy is an awesome combination for shattering. This weapon can also help you with fighting the Invincible Sentinel as the second of his large-face phases has a shield that resists several things, including ice.
Badaboom - This rocket launcher is a huge damage dealer and takes advantage of the 3x Explosive Damage endured by a frozen target. Will definitely blow you away!
Maliwan/Tediore Splitter Shock Lasers - Good damage dealers and great tools to help you proc Cold War.

Shields can vary depending on your situation, but in general purple shields are very much worth it in TPS. You may substitute any real legendary shield from the grinder / vending machines that you believe will supplement the build; also feel free to change the type of shield to adapt to whichever area you may be encountering (e.g., Absorb shield for Bullet Heavy areas). The current in-slot shields I’m using at the moment are the Reogenator/Purple Adaptive Shield. If you are surrounded by a lot of melee attackers (for example R&D Stalkers), you may find some use out of a Cryo Spike Shield.

For a grenade I recommend a Cryo Transfusion or a simple lobbed/longbow Vladof Cryo. Also Storm Front / Quasar works to help proc Cold War as an aside, applying a powerful shock DOT with a chance to freeze.

Stay Frosty and have an ice day!


I was the first to click on that Shotgun link. ;3

Oh that’s what that number is. Duh :laughing:

Indeed, one of the various new nuances of the new forum.

Any planned updates for a level 60 build?

Yes. Look for it next week around the same time as UVHM for PC.

This build, very cool.
Cyborg always stays frosty.
Ice cream with great joy!


Wouldn’t the Chronicler of Elpis mod be better? Sure it doesn’t boost Cold War, but since the level 50 version in the screenshot at the link shows +38% freeze chance and the description of the level 60 version says +44% freeze chance, wouldn’t that give a higher total freeze chance with Cold War at 5/5 (+25%) than with Cryo Terminator’s 10/5 for +50%?

CoE lvl 50 + Cold War 5/5 would be +38% and +25% for a total of +63% freeze chance. With the level 60 version’s +44% that brings the total to +69% freeze chance vs CT’s total of +50% freeze chance at Cold War 10/5. That’s with any non-cold elemental weapon. With a cold weapon Cold War 5/5 adds another +10% while 10/5 adds +20%. That means CoE lvl 60 would get +79% with a cold weapon while CT would only get +70% with a cold weapon.

Plus CoE adds +44% to cryo damage.

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have you considered a cryo shredifier as a weapon, I have a 60 that tears enemies to shreds literally, for my non cyro I love my Dastardly Maggie. I also have a chronicler of elpis 60, if you would like to try it. I am Diogenes49 on steam.

Sorry all my stuff is 60, I noticed your build is 50.

We revisited Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel last night on stream, and it got me thinking it’s about time to update this thread to level 70. Above is the updated hybrid build we used for a UVHM playthrough.

You can catch the footage here:

Dual Mister Freeze Wilhelms take on 70 UVHM TPS Campaign

A couple things on the Level 70 Spec

Max Escalation: its the best skill getting boosted by the Elpis COM.

Hazmat is more or less a 1 point wonder regardless whether or not it’s boosted, and RR is one of the best skills in that tree, it does so much. make it work.

I’d do something like this (The Points in Man+Machine can slide into Laser Focus if you plan on taking up the AZ or any other Cryo Laser).

Other than that it’s cool, per se.

Edit: Just realized you spec’d into Cold War…gross…It’s 5 points for 1/5 of your Chronicler boost…and if your using non-cryo weapons it’s only adding like a 10% Freeze max chance depending on your dot chance…

Like just take a Fridgia it has a 30% Freeze chance, with Chronicler thats 44.7, with Chroncler and CW its 47.7 That’s about the most you’re going to get out of CW and its ONLY a +3% Freeze Chance

Agreed…I believe Cold War is one of Wilhelm’s most overrated skills…a waste of points.

Depending on your weapons, I think you can get away without Afterburner and move points into Rolling Thunder for some more offense.

This works pretty well for me with the COE Mod:

But hey…if yours works for you, stick with it. Different playstyles make a big difference on effectiveness of builds.