We all know the Hawks, Harolds, infinities, pimps and others have a spot in our arsenal when we need to take somebody down.
Nothing standard and OP, what is your favorite gun to have fun with? The gun that maybe you wish were a little more powerful so you could actually run with?
For example, I’ve always enjoyed the 1340 Shotgun. It’s fast firing, good ammo consumption and has awesome commentary. I think it’s hilarious.
Morningstar was also pretty cool. I liked the crit stacks. And yes, I snickered at the commentary.
“If you were a better shot, you wouldn’t need to reload!”
But, hands down, my favorite weapon that I wish were more functional: Chère-amie
I’m still trying to get a good setup that is functional with that thing. And I’m getting pretty close. To a sniper Zero, that gun has so much potential in team play.
Hail is pretty beast with Gaige, so is blockhead.
+1 for 1340 shotgun, or in fact any hyperion shotgun. And the buffalo is awesome too, my only gripe is its rate of fire.
I also wish the Chere-amie was better. Have one in slag, it WOULD be an awesome co-op gun if the heals weren’t so tiny. But basically I’m better off just shooting my buddies with Restoration.
More roid shields with really long delays! After Love Thumper I hate having to dick about with self-damage.
Roksalt! That reload speed coupled with the massive mag is kick-ass. My corrosive one actually works pretty well against loaders, “shame” I have better alternatives. I still whip it out sometimes though.
For each of my allegiance characters:
Vladof Assassin: Hail (Vladof doesn’t make shotguns, so I use it at short range and aim for the head for dat crit).
Jakobs Assassin: Twister (one of the few elemental Jakobs weapons; this and Unf0rseen make use of my shock Bone).
Torgue Commando: Landscaper (come at me bro!).
Dahl Commando: Shock Minigun (his fire rate, zoom, and recoil buffs make it fire like a sniper rifle).
Bandit Mechromancer: Slag RokSalt (she’s built down the Anarchy tree, and its reload speed lets me cancel out of Discord fast).
Maliwan Mechromancer: Storm (get drunk off Grog, equip a Legendary Catalyst COM, fill the Little Big Tree, and ZAP!).
Tediore Siren: Retcher (sure, it needs 5 levels of Tannis buff to work well, but it’s super fun).
Hyperion Siren: Logan’s Gun (Thoughtlock + Converge: fire at the feet of the mass of enemies so they all eat the secondary explosions).
Heartbreaker, Tre Dog, Butcher or Good/Bad Touch- as far as both non-legendary AND non-red text any elemental Maliwan sniper with the Gentleman’s prefix or any Vladof Anarchist (bonus points if it’s elemental though…).
I wish the Buffalo and Elephant Gun were better. Their daddy the Whitting’s Elephant gun was so much damn fun to me that I even used it with Brick, for god’s sake. Hell, I wish all of the Hammerlock guns (and, by extension, the Unforgiven) were better.