Just a quick question. I’ve recently been farming them with … very little success.
Not having done the My Dead Brother mission on that character. (I have a dislike for unnecessary skeletons.) I don’t have the Seer’s Sanctum unlocked. So I’ve been doing it in the Temple of Misworship. Two UBA guaranteed and sometimes an extra one. A very quick run too. I thought I was good…
Or was it just bad RNG?
So I loaded up the only character that have it unlocked (Seer’s Sanctum), the Psycho. Didn’t really had time to count but had a feeling there was more “Ultimate” than 2. Also been lucky and got 2 “Specials” including an on level Chain Lightning.
So my question. From experience or “inside info” (I’m talking to you @VaultHunter101) . Is it really that better to farm Seer’s Sanctum?
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
I always pick up “Dead Brother” at the start of that map, so it’s no use asking me! I thought once you’d gone through the map you could always get to Seers Sanctum though?
Yeah, Seer’s Sanctum is locked out until you complete the My Dead Brother mission.
That mission itself incurs some extra skeletons, but when you’re done, tours through the Lair of Infinite Agony don’t have any more skeletons than normal (and you can walk right past Seer’s Sanctum if you don’t want to slug it out with those Wizards).
If it’s less of an issue for you, I believe you can Fast Travel to Dragon Keep, go “backwards” to the elevator to ride it down to the back door to the Sorcerer’s Daughter (those chests will be locked down though), fight her, then you’re like a few spiders away from Seer’s Sanctum (and you have access to a couple of vending machines).
Sorcerer’s Daughter or a full tour of Lair of Infinite Agony?
Other than the platform puzzle, I’m pretty sure you can just run through the entire thing, dodging the enemies without issue? If you take a wide berth around that one shielded chest after the platform puzzle, that mob won’t even spawn. Those fiery skulls later on aren’t easy to dodge though.