Howdy there.
I’m a noob when it comes to BL, so bear with me.
I’m an OCD-game-completionist, I have to have every achievement in the game before I can finally put it to rest. And I really wanna drop BL2 for now because I’m bored of it, but my OCD doesn’t let me to, so now all I have left to do is the raid bosses.
In NVHM (somewhere around lvl 40) I tried solo’ing Pete and Hyperius, and I couldn’t take them because I just kept running out of ammo. I did well in those fights, it’s just that my guns were simply too weak.
I tried solo’ing the Dragons, I managed to kill the purple one, but then the other 3 fked me up HARD.
Tried Voracidous. Got insta-killed. Twice. I don’t even know how the fk to fight him, I don’t understand the mechanics.
I’m a lvl 51 Siren, finished TVHM like an hour ago. I have NO intention of playing in UVHM, because I really don’t feel like replaying the game a third time.
Is it even remotely possible to solo any raid bosses as a Siren in TVHM? None of my friends even finished the game in NVHM, so no co-op option, unfortunately. And, as I’ve mentioned before, I will not do an UVHM run.
I don’t care about the drops, I just wanna beat the bosses just once so I can finally put the game to rest. Every tutorial that I’ve seen on Youtube focused on UVHM or OP8, so I’m kind of looking for advice on how to deal with bosses in TVHM. Idk - any safe spots, special builds, specific gear, fighting tactics?
Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.