Random Information TPS Edition

Seems like we need the TPS equivalent of the BL2 Random Information thread, so here goes!

After you return to Helios, Tassiter comments (unfavourably) on the “New Hyperion” colour scheme. Which is all over the place except Jack’s Office:




ClapTrap can see the future, he draws Jack with a Face Mask even before Jack even wears one.


I also notice the Bandit Technical in the background - clearly he’s on Pandora!


Citing some really useful info from @Ronnie_Rayburn


There is a “blueprint” of Dahl smg (probably Torrent) on the floor in the Sub-Level 13.

And some info about Helios on the walls.


That’s a very Claptrap thing to do.

I recently did a quick run of the story of TPS (plus the Claptastic Voyage), and I noticed a few details I never catched before:

  • You probably know that you can play target practice in Serenity’s Waste: you need to pay a small fee to a cannon next to the Ozless Harbor, and it will shoot out two rubber duckies; if you shoot them out of the air, they’ll drop money. If you miss them, they’ll fall to the ground and explode into stars, hearts and confetti.

What I never noticed, is that the rubber duckies are actually rakk hive shaped!




As you can see, they have four eyes, holes on their backs, and…"vertical"mouths.

(Sorry for the bad quality, I wish photo mode was in TPS as well).

  • I didn’t know that 5H4D0W-TP Clones could actually spawn as minions during the EOS fight!

  • A lot of people know by now about the unused BL2 Handsome Jack New-U lines. Well, they’re actually inside the Pre-Sequel! I only heard them from the New-U stations in the Lunar Launching Station, but perhaps they could also be heard elsewhere on Helios.

These quotes are not guaranteed to play: they’re randomly chosen from a pool that still includes the standard Hyperion New-U sentences (so, you could die a few times before hearing one).
EDIT: By the way, I actually had subtitles turned on, but they don’t seem to apply to these sentences, for some reason.

  • If you shoot yourself with the Boomacorn and get lucky, you can theorically proc every kind of DOT on yourself and unlock the Elementalist achievement:

  • Sometime ago, in this thread, people discussed about some Elpisian graffiti supposedly portraying Gortys.

Well, as it turns out, they were looking at them the wrong way! If you flip them upside down, you’ll see they’re meant to represent the Empyrean Sentinel.

These graffiti can be seen waaay before the end of the game: how cool of a foreshadowing!

  • You can actually see the eye of the Destroyer before coming across it, in the background of Zarpedon’s title card:

  • When you fight around this area in the Lunar Launching Station…

…listen carefully and you’ll hear Jack cheering you up and insulting the Lost Legion from above, just like he does during the Welcome to Helios quest.

  • When most outlaw types die, they leave their backpacks on the ground. If you approach them before they disapper (through a non-damaging explosion) they’ll actually replenish you O2 reserves!

I only noticed that thanks to this site, which contains some other intriguing behind the scenes details on TPS and especially the Claptastic Voyage.

  • Janey Springs has a special line if you go towards the Outlands Canyon before digistructing a Stingray:

  • The fallen spaceship in which you fight Deadlift is actually owned by Atlas (and was probably used for military purposes, judging by the Crimson Lance logo on its side).


Oh man, the Jack quotes… I don’t think I’ve ever heard any of those playing TPS (probably because I never die :dukewhistle:) but that would make for some interesting foreshadowing…

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  • I was playing through the Holodome, and I noticed that Dahl security bots suffocate in the void:

Usually you can only find them in the Titan Robot Production Plant, so I guess they didn’t foresee them ever leaving an environment with atmosphere.

  • In Tales from the Borderlands episode 2, you can find this old photo of Felix inside his house:

We still don’t know much about that woman, but, if you squint at it enough, you can see that the photo was taken at this location in Concordia:

  • The idea for the Pre-Sequel probably floated around since even before Borderlands 2 was released, judging by this quote from the “Inside the Vault” artbook:

I remember fantasizing about that game almost a decade ago, and I’m so glad it became a reality.