July 4, 2018, 12:57am
I’ve got a 72 and an OP2. It just seems like my damage with an OP2 gun is just lacklustre. I’ll just play around with it some more.
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(Guajiro Pandoreño)
July 4, 2018, 1:03am
As Zer0, how much damage buffs are you throwing into each shot? Death Mark? Slag? 0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill? B0re? Without the, I’m pretty much using the Elephant Gun on low- to mid-level locals or it’ll take more than one shot. I do play with 20% BAR on too.
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July 4, 2018, 1:14am
Yep. All that. I also usually play with BAR on ( same - 20% ).
Slag might be part of the issue. Maybe I’m just used to not caring at OP0 so I was more conservative with my grenades. They are also not the most reliable at slagging.
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(Guajiro Pandoreño)
July 4, 2018, 2:05am
A Slag Transfusion should be super reliable at slagging. How many children and what rarity? I might have just wound up with a good one after all the ones I upgraded through. The initial splat damage has a decent chance, but the child grenades invariably slag.
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July 4, 2018, 2:06am
Purple , level 72 and x7.
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(Guajiro Pandoreño)
July 4, 2018, 2:35am
That should do the trick? That’s a good one. How often does it not slag?
Maliwan Mechromancer ran the Bloodshot Stronghold, picking up map challenges with the Volcano. Sniper Gaige? With the Volcano? Here’s how! Get yourself a Legendary Catalyst COM, sprinkle points liberally in the Little Big Trouble tree, and equip a fire Bone of the Ancients relic.
Shoot an enemy… if they’re low-level chumps and/or don’t have a shield, use a body shot. You don’t want the shot to kill them, just bring them close to death. Interspersed Outburst will slag (and damage a little), so the subsequent fire DoT (also buffed by the relic and COM) will finish him off. If it’s close to not killing him, help it along by shooting the ground near the enemy so they eat splash but not a direct shot (more fire damage without consuming stacks).
This preserves your IO stacks so when you do get the kill and Evil Enchantress is on deck, you also have a full stack of IO or are otherwise close. If you maintain a cadence where your direct hits are followed by some time before death (usually by letting DoT polish them off) so IO can rebuild while Evil Enchantress is up, you get a few seconds where your next shot whose DoT will have automatic slag and be buffed by Evil Enchantress.
In practice, it only works against flesh targets, shields are a problem, enemies that rush you break the cadence, so I might only get as many as three of these shots in a row on my best day, but it’s still entertaining. Lynchwood might be easier for this.
July 4, 2018, 3:16am
Looks like I got myself a new topic!
Anyways, it’s a character that’s seen little action recently, so I’ll fire him up again and make it work at OP2 and report then.
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July 4, 2018, 3:17am
You might want to cut/paste your Gaige tale back into WDYD
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(Guajiro Pandoreño)
July 4, 2018, 3:20am
heh - I was trying to keep it on topic.
So… anyone else rockin’ a Jakobs Assassin? I suppose I should post a build or something.
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July 4, 2018, 3:32am
Might as well
@Trahurn is rolling a Jakobs assassin. We get the odd report from him.
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(Guajiro Pandoreño)
July 4, 2018, 3:43am
Here’s mine… pretty basic? I don’t do “pure” allegiance (and I let grenades and shields slide for Jakobs; he similarly gets a slag transfusion). I’ve got a lot of single-points out there to activate random things, as he uses a lot of different COMs.
…never thought about giving him the Antagonist though.
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July 4, 2018, 3:48am
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
July 4, 2018, 11:32am
You might want to cut/paste your Gaige tale back into WDYD
Whoops! Oh well…
July 4, 2018, 3:12pm
He’s weapon allegiance only (though currently using a recoil relic because I’m stubborn and keep using multiple shots from a magazine). Using a slag transfusion and whatever shield is available. Only 50something (53 or 54) at the moment so not real picky on named gear. Still using a 48 purple sniper as the primary because it has the highest damage.
I don’t pay much attention to parts at the moment - just damage, accuracy, and sight type.
July 4, 2018, 3:51pm
Eventually ( for snipers ) I’d concentrate on matching grip and Dahl / Hyperion stock.
Any favourite shields yet? I seem to recall liking spikes before I got the Antagonist.
There’s a pure allegiance build posted on the forum with Rough Rider and only the default grenade. I never gave it a shot, but just might for poops and chuckles.
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