Is this really necessary? Am I bored at work?
Mr. Torgue approves this ■■■■ even though it’s Vladof
It seems that I am the forum’s leading mouthpiece on the Hail, so I thought perhaps I should simply create a guide, thereby saving everyone from my chronic pontification. When the subject comes up : “BOOM! Link! Here’s all you need to know!”
Here we go!
The Hail is one of the most useful and deceptively powerful guns in the game. The standard features that you can find on the wiki :
- As a Moxxi weapon it provides 3% (or is it 2.5%? …whatever…) healing, which at OP8 is more than enough to tank.
- It gets 200% Type A (additive) crit damage (along with the standard AR negative 20%).
- After a certain distance (although technically this is based on time and not distance - more on that later), bullets split in two. Because these are unlisted pellets, they get full amp damage.
- Has 80% splash damage, so the gun can be further buffed by grenade boosts and elemental relics.
Notes on usage :
The challenge with this gun is of course the trajectory. Getting acquainted with the arc is fairly straightforward ; but the field of view is the main hurtle. Hip firing is certainly fine for characters who do not need accuracy, but in order to get the tightest spread one must ADS (as with any gun).
- purportedly console has a much narrower FOV than PC making it that much more challenging. I play on PC, so my condolences to the console jockeys.
- increased bullet speed affects both the arc (becomes higher and longer) and split distance (increases). This can come from Velocity, Accelerate and the “Swift” prefix. See here for more details on bullet speed.
- bullet split distance is approximately 4-5 meters. Ideally one should be as close to that as possible to get the split and still retain optimal accuracy. This pic shows the distance (note the mission status
) :
- between the splitting and the crit, a Bee shield will turn this into a monster.
Notes on parts :
Scope (technically only comes with sights : Vladof, Torgue or none) will increase zoom which will significantly limit field of view to the point where you can’t actually see a mid-range target. To minimize this, always get one without a scope (or nat will report you to me and I will rage
). Exceptions could be given to Gaige, Sal and Krieg…maybe…possibly…perhaps.
- Grip : getting a Vladof grip is important as matching grip always gives increased mag size and reload speed. This is optimal for any gun, but a near-constant output plays especially to the gun’s strengths (tanking).
- Stock : Dahl is standard fare for any gun, and this gun is no exception. A case could be made for Torgue, Vladof and even Bandit as almost-acceptable 2nd best ; Jakobs stock is unacceptable.
Accessories! Here’s where contoversy abounds! Bottom line : no matter what anyone tells you, there’s no one superior accessory.
Ferocious (damage) : increases damage, increases recoil, decreases fire rate.
This is my preferred prefix for the characters who crit (more on characters later). Burst fire works best for accuracy. This will give the highest DPS for certain targets - but only when able to reliably crit. At certain ranges this gun is remarkably accurate. Maya makes the most of this accessory. Perhaps Axton too. -
Rabid (wild) : increases damage, increases fire rate, decreases accuracy.
This is the most commonly recommended accessory for this particular gun because the Hail’s grenadier barrel minimizes the accuracy loss that’s inherent in the accessory. The “Wild” prefix will ruin practically every other gun. DPS tests have shown that Rabid has the highest but one should always be wary of DPS tests. This is absolutely the accessory of choice for Gaige and Krieg (especially with PiP). - Skewering (bladed) : great with a Love Thumper. Also, a slag bladed Hail has replaced my hybrid Zer0’s Rubi.
Swift (bullet speed) : increases bullet speed and fire rate.
Increases arc which forces the user to point down even farther ; increases bullet split distance by (very) roughly double. This can actually be fine for large targets like Terra but Rabid’s damage increase is ~12% higher. -
Severe (accuracy) : increases accuracy.
Well it’s better than no accessory! -
Resolute (stability) : reduces recoil.
Get a Dahl stock instead. Still better than no accessory. -
Expansive (mag size) : increases mag size.
Could be useful on raids, especially with Krieg. Never reload! Also could be nice for Gaige with Smaller, Lighter, Faster and The Better Half.
Ferocious (damage) : increases damage, increases recoil, decreases fire rate.
See here for a gun parts identification guide ; and here for a demonstration on ADS accuracy, Rabid vs Ferocious accuracy and the pitfalls of the Swift prefix :
Here is an example of what I consider a perfect Hail (accessory notwithstanding): no scope, Dahl stock and Vladof grip :
Notes on characters :
- Maya can get the most out of the Hail’s crit damage simply because of Phaselock. What’s also a very pleasant boon is that a PL’d target is at just the right height that you can look straight ahead while firing , so you can keep a solid eye on your evironment. Her shield skills can reliably keep a Bee up further abusing the bullet split and crit. Chain Reaction + bullet split = awesome. The splash does not get Reaper bonus though.
- Salvador : in my experience he really needs to use dual Hails. I’ve tried him with a Hail and a Lead Storm but the arc difference was frustrating. If face-tanking though, it can be used with any other gun.
- Zer0 is not the best Hail user. He doesn’t have any specific skills to take advantage of the crit damage, splash or bullet splitting. Rising Shot and Two Fang will make it better, but it’s a very poor Bore performer ( or rather, takes a very specific situation ). Still, he does nothing to work against it.
- Krieg, especially Hellborn Krieg, is one of the best users of the Hail. Its splash will reliably keep you on fire ; the splash also gets boosts from Fuel the Blood and can trigger Blood Bath. Works very well with Elemental Elation and Blood Filled Guns to build stacks giving a limitless mag size and absolutely crazy fire rate.
- LBT/OC Gaige always has a shock Hail! Anarchy boosts splash as well as bullet ; Close Enough takes care of the accuracy problems ; Nth Degree + bullet splitting = awesome! See the link in the “Rabid” heading for more usage info.
- Axton is also one of the strongest Hail users. I’ve seen on several occasions people ask whether the Ogre or Kerblaster is better on Axton and people dogpile in to yell “Hail!”. His grenade boosts get the splash damage cranked up ; reload speed keeps him tanking ; his shield skills can keep a Bee up extremely well ; his ability to increase base damage has a huge impact on guns with a high crit multiplier (for this reason, I might recommend the Ferocious prefix for more reliable crits).
- special shout-out to Athena! You’re my girl!
- edit : Nisha vid added.
The Hail is so devastating it can even take out entire armies
As always let me know if there are any corrections to be made ; or any additional info I may have missed.
If you want to argue with me about whether or not it’s a great gun, just know that you will lose.