Some help with Elemental Damage Bonus?

I’m late to Borderlands 2…got it a month ago. I’m having a great time playing co-op!

I’ve seen various guides on how Elemental damage works, I assumed it is the DoT that does extra damage, but its also the damage of the weapons too?

I found this info - for some formatting :stuck_out_tongue:
Elemental Damage Multipliers - first playthrough:

Damage Type - Impact Flesh - Impact Armor - Impact Shield - Slag Bonus
Regular Ammo 1 0.8 1 2
Explosive 1 1 0.8 2
Fire 1.5 0.75 0.75 2
Shock 1 1 2 2
Corrosive 0.9 1.5 0.75 2
Slag 1 1 1 1

…is this still correct?

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Withdrawn because it’s a common question?

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Probably more like “working in it. Get back to you” :wink:

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More like, i don’t make any sense. Lol, some experts can assist you for sure.

This page in the wiki has you covered, I think. The general idea is that if you match the element to the target (corrosive-armor[yellow], fire-flesh[red], shock to shields[blue]) you’re firing at you will empty the health bar faster. Element matching will also have an effect on the potency of the DOT that you may apply. Slag is a multiplier, in NVHM and TVHM it multiplies your damage by 2, and in UVHM it multiplies by 3. I think the numbers in the wiki page I linked are accurate, but I’m confident that there are peeps here (not me :wink:) who know for sure.
Edit: Both impact and splash are affected by the damage multipliers.


Aite thanks peeps!

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For way more information than you probably wanted, this page has the complete breakdown of the damage formula and how it works (including a table of elemental resistances at the end):

Note that although it appears in the TPS section, the bulk of it is the same in both TPS and BL2. The only difference is the slag <-> cryo element swap.