Do they spawn in Normal or only in TVHM and at what level do they start to appear?
Chubbies and Tubbies are the same thing, but for different modes. You’ll find the information here:
If you’re looking for pearls, you need to be in UVHM. And if you’re looking for the 2nd tier pearls, you need to be spawning level 62+ Tubbies. Chubbies (NVHM/TVHM) don’t drop pearls.
I know tubby and chubby are the same thing but in different modes.
I know 2nd tier COM’s drop from 62 and up chubbies.
I also know i need to be in UVHM to get pearls.
None of the answeres you gave me was related my my original question, not even the link was helpful.
Ill type it again.
At what level do i have a chance to find Tubby enemies?
If they do appear in Normal or TVHM and up, i found out myself. They do appear in Normal, but i didnt pay attention to what level i was so that question is still unanswered.
But thanks for trying =)
you can find them as early as the firehawk mission in normal mode but they are rare since there are only a few BA enemies in normal. Your best bet is caustic caverns or the farmhouse since you can level up varkids in there.