The movement combined with invincibility is more potent than you’d first think. Need to get in close? Need to escape a sticky situation? Ok, covered, check and check.
When you’re getting close, you can defensively and offensively debuff enemies, damage them elementally, and have massive damage reduction upon exit.
You can extend the duration to go farther and heal further for better positioning and health. Two or three of those is already quite significant, but you can easily grab all of those.
With all those working together, most encounters tend to play out the same, at least more than the other classes. Spot enemies, close in with PW, debuff, deal damage, get low on health, PW out to safety, repeat till done.
She’s damn effective, just a Lil repetitive.
With Brick I treat large open areas differently than closed spaces, cover and angles really influence Mordecai, and I’m drawing a blank on Roland. He’s pretty well rounded.
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So if I am reading the original question correctly what you want to know is which character is good at Mobbing & Boss Fights?
The honest answer is, what gear do you have?
Every weapon class has sub tiers that offer variants with more Fire Rate, More Damage, or More Damage over time. Because of that each characters weapon specializations balance out between them and allow you to be very effective without using you action skill for much outside of quicker health recover than your gear can muster alone.
Building an explosive Brick gives him weapons in every class he can use with the one element nothing is resistant to. I don’t even use his berserker rage other than to run fast in large areas with no catch a rides. He’s the only Vault Hunter whose skill I have little use for outside of early game.
Everyone else has two weapons they favor with skills or class mods to support specialization:
Combat Rifles & Shotguns - Roland
Snipers & Pistols - Mordecai
SMGs & Snipers - Lillith
Shotguns & Rocket Launchers - Brick
And most have buffs that effect all weapons so you can make use of a great weapon regardless of your character’s built-in preferences.
I consider Lil the most OP character. I run thru areas like a Floridian on bathsalts and I never go down ever. With a merc com and my tediore hx 130 anarchy and 5 points in mind games I am pretty much invincible. 5 points in intuition and mobs become a net of death. Mordy is almost as good as some of the top tier revolvers will down anything on pandora with a shot or 2. I found Roland and brick harder to use until I really had the best of the best gear. You have to remember to use the turret proactively rather than reactively like phase walk as it blinks out when u go down. Blood wing keeps killing tho and can give u second winds. I probably just never really set brick up right as he seems to go down the most for me. Idk. It seems like he actually gets hit more cause he’s a physically larger character.
I, too, think he’s larger. He makes a great shield when you’re reviving one, you just put him between you and the bullets and you’re golden.
But seriously, Die Hard, Die Hard so much. Once you get a quality shield you stop going down so much and you have accurate enough of guns to use if FFYL, Brick stops dying so much. And if you go down, who cares? srsly die hard is magic.
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Maybe you could show me your brick build. I have pretty much every desirable piece of gear in the game.
Really, I can’t say it’s anything special, standard general gunplay build.
Skill Notes
Endless Rage in case you need to Berserk heal more.
I typically fill out the Tank Tree cause I love it, but Bash is totally preference. I use it if I’m in a sticky situation and pop Berserk to heal up and stun enemies.
That top right skill for the reload speed, shame it screws up your recoil. I’m not much of a launcher guy cause terrain absorption, so no Wide Load. Liquidation 4/5 cause I don’t need 5 here, and don’t need 5/5 in Bash, so 4 it is. Cast Iron cause I’m running out of places to put things, it’s there.
COMs. My usual go-to is Centurion, I found quality ones throughout my playthroughs more often, comparable Titan COMs haven’t matched up yet. Also, Centurion has Die Hard. If I had a perfect Titan or Tank, I might run one of those instead. Centurion’s health bonuses work well with Die Hard. I haven’t tried the neverending Unbreakable thing, if I ever get a shield Titan COM or a comparable Tank, I’d probably lean Tank since it has Die Hard.
I really really really really love Die Hard.
Shield/Health values with each COM
Centurion: 5597/2867
Titan: 6826/2374
Tank: 6416/1792
Prepare yourself, I was surprised too.
HOLY ■■■■.
I am legit pissed I don’t know exactly where I was, when I was, how I was, when I got this. That moment should be burned into my memory.
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Pretty sure I got the 68 version of that somewhere. And a near perfect ironclad. Yeah my lilith shield is a 69 inpenetrable panacea. I remember finding it well and have never found another.