Best Character\Build\Gear\Strategy for Eclipse

Since a LOT of people seem to be having trouble beating Eclipse (myself included - trying with Aurelia solo on UVHM was humbling to say the least), I thought I’d start a thread devoted to those who’ve been successful and would like to share what worked for them. Please tell us what character you used, what type of build you’re running, what gear you used, and your method for bringing him down. These would be for solo play, although coop team ideas are welcome as well! Thx!

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i killed him with a cryo/sniper aurelia, and with 9 points in large caliber, so basicly that was the worst setup to use, but i managed to beat him in about 2 freaking hours. the key to succes was my level 57 schock pitchfork against the elvel 64 boss.
so aurelia is terible but i think athena or nisha would be quite… u know … easy compared with the baroness.


Claptrap, Maniacal Laughter, a rapid short circuit class mod, a shock torrent, an EDDIE oz kit, a reogenator, only subroutine being the defensive one (so constant health/shield regen). I also had to swap to my double fragnum (lucky me!) from time to time because I chewed up all my SMG ammo. Had a storm front grenade but it wasn’t super helpful unless I knew I was going in to FFYL in a few seconds. All gear was between lvl 48 - 50.

The key seems to just be moving around and avoiding attacks if you have to, and shooting homing rockets to avoid as much of the damage.

Did this fight in 2 person co-op earlier, it’s definitely much easier when you can essentially split the damage across 2 people.


Also did this as Athena with the same gear, just with a Celestial Mod instead. Went Ceraunic Storm route and Phalanx. Again, it was mostly, shoot, run, hide, heal, repeat.

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I killed him on uvhm as jack at lvl 52. I used this build,lv70 with a celestial doppelganger.
Avoid always the (purple ray?) and destroy the missiles asap (easier with a laser gun). I think these are good places to hide againts the ray. The yellow zones is where the ray should hit, and the green where you should be:

You can ignore the enemies, but these are very dangerous and should be killed because if you get close they can drain you hp very fast (I don’t know his name in english, but they drain your hp like I said and throw orange projectiles).

I destroid the eclipse’s turrets but ignored the ODV one’s (they have too much hp). You will fall and take dmg a lot of times, that’s why leadership and teamwork are very important here and probably you will fail without them. If you get a second wind by leadership, which is very probable here, interrupt expendable assests, run and try to survive until be ready again. And finally be patient, kill him took me 1h more or less.

PS: I love the fact that we finally we have a hard boss. In borderlands 2 they were too, but only on op8 and they felt disproportionate instead hard.


Had a hard time on this boss with

  • my Jakobs Nisha - had to resort to tombstone Flakking Eclipse and eOS for the most part
  • my melee hybrid Aurelia. Just plain impossible solo, even with shambooming.

Had a better time with

  • my sapper Claptrap and his OLT flakking.
  • my CS Athena. 999 stacks were easy to build up, even after eOS pulls back for his full shield restores.

Have yet to level my Jacks and Wilhelms. Guess I’d rather not bother with my melee builds either, or just give up on that idea altogether as with the final lvl cap raise.

Copy pasted from another thread…
I’m playing as Nisha and I have him down to about 10 min on
UVHM. I am spec’d into the healing portions of green tree (probably a
must for Normal mode), much of the middle tree, and right tree. I rotate
through weapons a lot. I have been trying different things and If you
have trickshot I would go with a weapon that can bounce and aim for the
turrets on him until he exposes the eye more frequently in the third
transition of Eos. Otherwise just stay calm (honestly the biggest thing
that helped me was learning to do this) and use the pillars around the
middle to block rockets and other projectiles. I NEVER kill the swarmers
outside of triggering kill skills just before showdown to maximize its
damage and for second winds. Those little buggers actually fly toward
you most of the time when you go FFYL. Also get used to dropping to the
low part of the opposite side of the middle platform from him without
going into the lava. If you can do this you can block a lot of
projectiles, be ready to hide behind pillars when needed, and get out of
dodge fast when needed. As far as weapons go I have been using a rosie
or hard reboot (depending on my ammo at the time) for eclipse and then
the hard reboot or whatever else happens to have ammo on Eos for
shields. For the main body I have been using mostly a corrosive blaster
or a decent slapper for both. Things with a big blast radius can hit
multiple hitboxes it seems if you aim near the turrets and rocket pods. I
hope this helps. Your biggest enemy might actually be low max ammo
amounts if you haven’t bought those SDUs yet.
current build,lv63

I just beat it solo UVHM with Wilhelm. Man he can tank that crap pretty good… Stuff used: Vibra-Pulse, Corrosive Maliwan Blaster, Flakker, 3DD1.3, Prismatic Bulwark, Shock Leech Grenade, Celestial COM.

The build I went in with because I totally forgot to respec haha! One more point in Heatsinks since I was 61 for the fight: I would change a few things if I want to kill the boss faster. Mostly moving points out of HK into CC, since Wolf dies in the EOS phase.

I did this boss before with friends, so I knew what I was up against this time, and could plan better.

First phase was pretty easy. I would hug the bridge for cover when he announced a massive attack. I Vibra-Pluse the shield off, then Maliwan Blaster the crit points (head and back vents). Eclipse would chase Wolf around a lot, exposing is back crit point.

EOS however made me wish I grinded up a Shock Maliwan Blaster lol. The Vibra-Pulse cant reach him. Even though I am laser speced, I had to pull out the Flakker. It was the only thing I had that could deal decent damage against him. EOS is such a huge Target that the Flakker just plasters it.

I took out the 4 laser turrets with my Blaster to see if anything happened. It just made 4 even stronger ones. Bleh!

I had 100 stacks of Hard to Kill easily in this fight. It stacks up pretty dang fast! I could eat the missiles of his second shielded phase for breakfast. I went onto the lava floor to see if it would cause stacks, but it doesn’t.

When he moonshoots viruses, you need to kill them. Those things can hit like bricks. The leech ones just NOMNOMNOMNOM you to death :frowning:

I did go down in FFYL a bit in the last phase. Does his damage ramp up a bit? There is always some flying thing to give you a second wind thankfully.

I found it ironic that he dropped a Flakker after I killed him with a Flakker… Hacks!

Get AA maxed out with Jack, use the Quad, let your digijacks keep spawning, that’s it. Can kill him in 10-20min

Add company man transfering shock damage off a maliwan snider (they usually have something like a 47.5% - 52% chance to proc their element, which is also passed on) and you can eat him for lunch.

Eclipse is actually harder for me than Eos, Eclipse has stupid missile and decent health, Eos on the other hand just melts if you are left unfettered with quad spam.

Tip. Sometimes you can turtle away in the jump pad tube. There’s a part of the map with a jump pad that goes straight up through a cylinder. If you time your slams you can do some damage to the boss while not taking very much yourself.

It’s not always successful but I used it for a bit. I always found other nifty parts of the map made it hard for them to even see me. Under stuff. Behind stuff. Etc…

Why Cold War in your Wilhelm build?

Does Wolf do any real damage to the boss…or help?

I Very rarely see Wolf die. However, with this boss, would a point in scrabble be appropriate?

Is Cryo effective at all??

Are lasers necessary?

I am thinking Shock, corrosive and explosive weapons. Non laser.

I just went in with what I normally go with because I totally forgot to respec for the fight lol (oops forgot to mention that in my last post)l! I love Cold War normally, but in this fight, it was 5 points of not much. If I remembered to respec, it might be this:

Wolf distracted Eclipse a lot. He spun around in circles chasing Wolf. As for damage, I am unsure.

EOS just destroys Wolf, and I am unsure if a point in scramble would be worth it… oh wait maybe it would be just for the bonus time lol!

Lasers vs Eclipse worked awesome. I ran into laser trouble with EOS though as I was totally lacking a Shock Blaster. I thought I had one. Beams seem to not hit him. I had to pull out the Flakker here.

I love lasers just because of how easy they are to get a hold of! Moxxi’s Toy Chest and Grinder shenanigans!

just finished final boss in claptrap dlc with aurelia lvl60
take me more rhan 2 h
used skullmaster and longnail
used every possible shiels and finally found that
the sham was the best
(it takes the rockets like shamfleeting)

the health regenaration with a oz kit
and switching between rosie and sniper
the sham was my last choice but the best (unexpected)
after 20 try 's
did it before with willhelm had no problems with found gear
aurelia is not made for battling bosses

next will be with nisha, hope this will be better

Jack running Derch’s build variant, for eclipse I jumped at him and Quadded him to death within five, he seems to like doing his jump move in close proximity

EOS I switched to a shock/corrosive redundant T4S-R and basically kept firing at the eye resetting my jacks at full or when I downed to upkeep BFF and Corporate Benefits, just basically jumping around and lazily firing at eye. Takes maybe ten minutes to take him down at 70.

I used a CS Athena with shock and fire bullpups. I still went down a lot but that’s because I suck and had never used any CS past Maelstrom before that fight.

I imagine it would be hell with Aurelia.

Aurelia can one shot the boss, Nisha is the strongest against him.

Use a Quad once his shields are down, Quad is also strong against shield much faster than a T4S-R

@timer1 Aurelia can one shot the boss, Nisha is the strongest against him.

[quote=“greenlexluther, post:10, topic:167563”]
Add company man transfering shock damage
[/quote] What this guy said.

Nisha Guide.
Proc Tombstone, shoot mongol at EOS/Eclipse, switch to Lady Fist/Hail. Health and shield dissapears.

I didn’t like getting close enough to get effective quad shots, so I just used a T4S-R, also offers alot of error correcting with how accurate it is. It’s a safer option rather then the most optimal option. T4S-R also clears Missiles more reliably.

Quads accuracy is being buffed so much it becomes accurate enough, but yes T4S-R is a good option :smiley: